This report advises the Council of the outcome of consideration of a call-in by the Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 11 August 2022, in relation to Cabinet decisions (89-91/2022), and subsequent response of the Cabinet on 23 August 2022, to approve the commencement of consultation on the draft Hoo Development Framework, the continuation of progress on the preparation of applications for all aspects of the Future Hoo Project and to delegate authority to the Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Regeneration, Inward Investment and Partnerships and the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Economic Growth and Regulation, to make any changes considered prudent to appendices 1-5 of the Cabinet report.
The Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee has referred all three decisions to Full Council for consideration.
This report advised the Council of the outcome of consideration of a call-in by the Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 11 August 2022, in relation to Cabinet decisions (89-91/2022), and subsequent consideration by the Cabinet on 23 August 2022, to approve the commencement of consultation on the draft Hoo Development Framework, the continuation of progress on the preparation of applications for all aspects of the Future Hoo Project and to delegate authority to the Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Regeneration, Inward Investment and Partnerships and the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Economic Growth and Regulation, to make any changes considered prudent to appendices 1-5 of the Cabinet report.
The Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee had referred all three decisions to Council for consideration.
The Leader, supported by Councillor Doe, proposed that the Council agree to take no further action (in which case the original Cabinet decisions 89/2022, 90/2022 and 91/2022 as set out in paragraph 2.2 of the report could be implemented). In proposing this, the Leader undertook to extend the period of consultation specified in decision no. 89/2002 from 7 weeks to 9 weeks, if his proposal was agreed.
Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Turpin, supported by Councillor Etheridge, proposed the following amendment:
Delete the following:
“Agree to take no further action (in which case the
original Cabinet decisions 89/2022, 90/2022 and 91/2022 as set out
in paragraph 2.2 of the report can be implemented).”
and replace with:
7.1 “… refer the original Cabinet decisions 89/2022, 90/2022 and 91/2022 as set out in paragraph 2.2 of the report, back to Cabinet for reconsideration and that the Cabinet is recommended:
(i) To update any reference made within the draft Hoo Development Framework document, especially in relation to Deangate and any potential sports centre or facility within Hoo, as a full detailed update as to the current position of the Cabinet decision made in March 2018 (decision no. 47/2018*) is required.
*The Cabinet, taking into account the comments of the Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the campaigners, confirmed decision no. 24/2018 to instruct officers to begin detailed planning for consultation and development of a new sports centre for the Hoo Peninsula.”
(ii) To provide clarification as to when the update to decision no. 47/2018 will be completed and to ensure that this update will be included in the draft Hoo Development Framework document prior to the commencement of consultation.
(iii) That before the consultation on the draft Hoo Development Framework document commences, the six surveys* listed in the Deangate Ridge Full Council report of July 2019, over three years ago, and the high level capacity study are completed so that this information can be released at the same time.
· Ecology Survey
· Topographical Survey
· Contamination Survey
· Utilities Survey
· UXO Survey
· Tree Survey
(iv) That the £150,000 agreed at Full Council (minute no. 64/2019 refers) to be spent on this work, is uplifted to account for inflation over the past 3 years.
(v) To release alongside the consultation the most up to date Hoo Peninsula Cumulative Ecological Impact Assessment and also the Hoo Strategic Transport Assessment.
(vi) To ensure that all potential conflicts of interest are notified in the preamble to the draft Hoo Development Framework consultation document.”
Amended recommendation read:
“Agree to refer the original Cabinet decisions 89/2022, 90/2022 and 91/2022 as set out in paragraph 2.2 of the report, back to Cabinet for reconsideration and that the Cabinet is recommended:
(i) To update any reference made within the draft Hoo Development Framework document, especially in relation to Deangate and any potential sports centre or facility within Hoo, as a full detailed update as to the current position of the Cabinet decision made in March 2018 (decision no. 47/2018*) is required.
*The Cabinet, taking into account the comments of the Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the campaigners, confirmed decision no. 24/2018 to instruct officers to begin detailed planning for consultation and development of a new sports centre for the Hoo Peninsula.”
(ii) To provide clarification as to when the update to decision no. 47/2018 will be completed and to ensure that this update will be included in the draft Hoo Development Framework document prior to the commencement of consultation.
(iii) That before the consultation on the draft Hoo Development Framework document commences, the six surveys* listed in the Deangate Ridge Full Council report of July 2019, over three years ago, and the high level capacity study are completed so that this information can be released at the same time.
· Ecology Survey
· Topographical Survey
· Contamination Survey
· Utilities Survey
· UXO Survey
· Tree Survey
(iv) That the £150,000 agreed at Full Council (minute no. 64/2019 refers) to be spent on this work, is uplifted to account for inflation over the past 3 years.
(v) To release alongside the consultation the most up to date Hoo Peninsula Cumulative Ecological Impact Assessment and also the Hoo Strategic Transport Assessment.
(vi) To ensure that all potential conflicts of interest are notified in the preamble to the draft Hoo Development Framework consultation document.”
Following a vote the amendment was lost.
In accordance with Rule 12.5 of the Council Rules, a recorded vote on the substantive proposal was taken.
For: Councillors Ahmed, Aldous, Barrett, Brake, Browne, Mrs Diane Chambers, Rodney Chambers OBE, Chitty, Cooper, Curry, Doe, Edwards, Fearn, Gulvin, Hackwell, Howcroft-Scott, Hubbard, Mrs Josie Iles, Jarrett, Johnson, Kemp, Khan, Lammas, Lloyd, Maple, Murray, Opara, Osborne, Paterson, Potter, Prenter, Price, Andy Stamp, Chrissy Stamp, Tejan, Tranter, Van Dyke, Wildey. (38)
Against: Councillors Mrs Elizabeth Turpin and Williams. (2)
Abstain: Councillors Clarke, Etheridge, Griffin, Sands and Thompson. (5)
The Council agreed to take no further action in respect of Cabinet decisions 89/2022, 90/2022 and 91/2022.
Supporting documents: