Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 25 November 2003

No. Item


Capital Budget Monitoring


The Cabinet noted:
· Spending on the approved budget amounted to approximately £14.5m;
· The completed schemes and the outputs that have resulted (section 5.1);
· The progress of larger specific schemes contained in section 5.3;
· The proposed use of capital resources available to fund the programme, as referred to in table 3.
The Cabinet recommended to Council to approve the proposed additions to the programme summarised in table 2.


Capital Programme 2004/2005


The Cabinet endorsed, subject to the capital settlement, the core programme summarised in table 1, and noted the projected funding of that programme (table 2).
The Cabinet agreed the service priorities detailed in table 3.
The Cabinet forwarded the provisional draft budget to Overview and Scrutiny as work in progress inviting them to offer comments on the proposals outlined.


Physical Disability and Sensory Impaired Service


The Cabinet agreed the proposals for the Physical Disability and Sensory Impaired Service based on option 1 as set out at paragraph 5 of the report, together with appropriate management arrangements to ensure coherence and co-ordination of the service, and noted that the Director of Education and Leisure would undertake staffing changes under delegated powers.


Recruitment Freeze


The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following post, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable the Director of Education and Leisure to commence the recruitment process:Education and Leisure Services Key Stage 3/4 Admin. Officer - Advisory Service


Review of the Constitution


The Cabinet recommended to Council to agree:· the changes to the constitution rules and protocols set out in paragraphs 3.1.1 - 3.1.12 of the report and the appendices thereto;· to adopt the CIPFA/SOLACE Code of Corporate Governance and to insert in the codes and protocols contained within the constitution.Subject to:(i) The addition of the section out in the addendum report (pages 14-17) relating to Chapter 3 (Responsibility for Functions) in place of the existing section set out in the main Cabinet report (Cabinet agenda pages 302, 305, 313 and 314 refer).(ii) The addition at the end of bullet point 5 section 8.2 (Legal Services, p14 of the addendum report) as follows:'and that regular reports be made on the conduct of proceedings'.(iii) The addition of the section set out in appendix 1 to this record of decisions relating to Responsibility for Cabinet Functions in place of the existing section set out in the main Cabinet report (Cabinet agenda page numbers 293-295 refer).
(i) The addition of the following text relating to the Communications Protocol section (Sharing Press Releases) in place of the existing section set out in the main Cabinet report (Cabinet agenda page 350 refers). (These changes will be cross-referenced throughout the communications protocol to ensure consistency).'Sharing information on media enquiries and releasesCopies of all news releases issued and a summary of media enquiries will be sent to the leader, deputy leader, cabinet, group leaders, nominated media contacts and CMT on a daily basis or at the earliest opportunity.'
The Cabinet agreed that Gcat and Scat are approved consortia for the purposes of Contract Rule 7(a)(iii).


Green Paper: Every Child Matters


The Cabinet agreed the draft response to the government as set out in section 5 of the report subject to the following additions and comments being incorporated in the response:· The financial implications arising from the report to be added to the response (including paragraphs 6.6 and 7.2 of the report and emphasising the significant financial implications in the first bullet point on p191)· To make it clear that Information sharing is critical. · To make reference to issues of liability in relation to Members' responsibilities. · To seek clarity on the criteria for allocation for the Young People's Fund and the Children's Fund.
The Cabinet noted the potential implications for the Council set out in sections 6 and 7 of the report.


Revenue Budget 2004/2005 and Business Plans


The Cabinet agreed to forward the provisional draft budget and summary business plans to Overview and Scrutiny as work in progress inviting them to offer comments on the proposals outlined.
The Cabinet agreed to seek a meeting, including the three local MPs if possible, with the Minister for Local and Regional Government (Nick Raynsford MP), regarding the provisional financial settlement.


Community Plan Review


The Cabinet agreed to ask officers to draft additional targets where necessary, to reflect the additional points as set out in section 8 of the report.
The Cabinet agreed to refer the plan to Council on 15 January 2004 for approval as amended by recommendation 315/2003 above.
The Cabinet agreed that the following comments be incorporated into section 8 of the report:-B - after 'specifically' delete 'in due course' add ' the aspiration' Will read - Specifically the aspiration to develop an iconic building in Chatham …'F - Add at the end - 'To increase the vocational offers available to young people for example through modern apprenticeships.'G - 'add at the end - 'Supporting crime prevention initiatives and visible policing.'I - Add at the end the following 2 paragraphs -'Aim to increase the range of leisure facilities available for young people.With the Government's Green Paper in the consultation phase and a Bill expected in the new year some of the priorities/targets within this section may alter.'
The Cabinet agreed that any unfunded projects or activities included in the Community Plan be referred to as aspirational activities for the purposes of clarity.


Deangate Ridge Golf and Sports Centre


The Cabinet recommended to Council the creation of an 'Invest to Save Fund' of £110,000, to be met from general reserves, for the creation of a fitness facility at Deangate Ridge Golf and Leisure Complex, subject to annual repayments with interest over four years.


Rochester Airfield


The Cabinet agreed the recommendation as set out in paragraph 8.1.1 of the report without a break clause.
The Cabinet instructed officers to produce a report for Cabinet on 27 January 2004 on the options and timescale for modifying Local Plan S11.


Medway LIFT (Local Improvement Finance Trust) - selection of preferred bidder


The Cabinet agreed the preferred partner for Medway LIFT Co, as referred to in the exempt addendum report, with whom further negotiations will be conducted.
The Cabinet agreed that the Portfolio Holder for Health and Community and the Director of Health and Community Services continue to represent the interests of the Council on the LIFT Shadow Board.
The Cabinet agreed that officers enter into discussions and negotiations with other public sector partners from the perspective of the Council remaining a key stakeholder, being an active participant in the Strategic Partnering Board and supporting the development of the annual Strategic Service Delivery Plan for LIFT Co.
The Cabinet agreed to reserve judgement on the issues of exclusivity pending further clarification of the issues and the evaluation of the implications of granting or not granting any exclusivity to Medway LIFT Co.
The Cabinet agreed that the Council's legal and financial officers evaluate the costs, benefits and other implications of Medway Council taking a shareholding in Medway LIFT Co.
The Cabinet agreed that the contract rules be waived in accordance with Contract Rule 2(b)(i) to permit Nabarro Nathanson to be retained should further legal support be required - subject to fees not exceeding the upper limit.


Schools Asset Management Plan


The Cabinet agreed that the Medway Schools AMP Statement of Priorities, incorporating the revision as set out in the addendum report, be submitted to the DfES for appraisal.


Revenue Budget Monitoring


The Cabinet considered and endorsed the management action summarised in the report to ensure that expenditure is contained within approved budgets.
The Cabinet approved the Management Action Plan for Health and Community Services, detailed at Appendix 2, to achieve savings in the current year of £594,000.
The Cabinet agreed that with reference to proposals 1, 5 and 10 set out in appendix 2, the normal recruitment freeze process be applied to the filling of vacancies with the exception that delegated authority be given to the Director of Health and Community Services where it is necessary to meet legal requirements.


First Point of Contact - Options


The Cabinet stated that it was committed to improving First Point of Contact and that officers continue to explore options for reducing costs below the additional £1.185m shown, as part of the budget setting process.
The Cabinet agreed that the appointment of a Programme Director, Change Management, is deferred until the budget setting process is complete.


Rail Franchise


The Cabinet agreed the proposed response, including the views of the Environment and Front Line Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, for submission to the Strategic Rail Authority.
The Cabinet agreed to amend section 4.5.1 to add that there was no confirmation of the long term status of the 9000 car parking spaces at Ebbsfleet.