Decision details

Revenue Budget 2004/2005 and Business Plans

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report set out the Council's draft revenue budget for 2004/2005 based upon the Council's financial strategy which was agreed by Cabinet in September 2003. The proposals also took account of the current revenue budget monitoring position and of the financial strategy adjustments.


The Cabinet agreed to forward the provisional draft budget and summary business plans to Overview and Scrutiny as work in progress inviting them to offer comments on the proposals outlined.
The Cabinet agreed to seek a meeting, including the three local MPs if possible, with the Minister for Local and Regional Government (Nick Raynsford MP), regarding the provisional financial settlement.

Reasons for the decision:

It is the responsibility of Cabinet to develop draft budget proposals for consideration by Overview and Scrutiny Committees. These draft proposals are the first stage of the budget consultation process leading to further discussion by Cabinet and formal council tax setting on 19 February 2004.

Publication date: 25/11/2003

Date of decision: 25/11/2003

Decided at meeting: 25/11/2003 - Cabinet

Effective from: 05/12/2003

Accompanying Documents: