This report presents a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan for Medway, which will provide a long-term strategy for the development of walking and cycling networks. The LCWIP demonstrates a commitment to providing high quality walking and cycling routes in Medway and will support the case for future investment.
This report is being presented to Committee for scrutiny prior to consideration by the Cabinet in the Spring of 2025.
Officers presented the report to the Committee and explained that the plan demonstrates a commitment to cycling and walking routes and provides a framework for the delivery of a new network which allows Medway to attract funding.
Officers informed the Committee that most interventions were supported during the consultation process except for the cycle route in Rainham and it was acknowledged that the designs were high level and subject to further work.
Members expressed concerns regarding the safety of the Rainham cycling route and officers explained that this route had generated a number of comments which were welcomed as part of the early stages as this was a concept design identified as a priority using the Department for Transport propensity to cycle tool and would develop over time.
Members queried how the Plan would be funded, and officers explained that implementation of the Plan would require external funding, grants and active travel funding and in order to attract external funding the Plan is required.
Members requested that schemes are not introduced at the cost of slowing down the movement of traffic across Medway and that the correct balance of safety for pedestrians, cyclists and road users was paramount. Members encouraged officers to be innovative and consider recreational routes for cycling such as the old Dockyard railway scheme as well as a pedestrian and cycle river crossing from Medway City Estate to Chatham.
a) The Committee commented on the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and supporting documentation, and note that the Cabinet will be asked to agree the Plan in the Spring of 2025.
b) The Committee noted the results of the consultation as set out in the report and Appendix F.
Supporting documents: