Venue: Cozenton Park Sports Centre, Bloors Lane, Rainham, Kent, ME8 7EG. View directions
Contact: Jon Pitt, Democratic Services Officer/Vanessa Etheridge, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for absence Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor Coombs. |
Leaders Announcements Minutes: The Leader was proud to welcome everyone to the meeting at Cozenten Park Sports Centre which was a great example of the difference his administration was making to Medway. The meeting was being held earlier than normal to enable the local press to meet print deadlines and report on the budget proposals.
It had been disappointing to learn that the Kent and Medway region had not been selected for the devolution priority programme. Members expressed their thanks to everyone who had been involved in putting together the joint letter and expression of interest with Kent County Council, to the Government. The Minister of State for Local Government and English Devolution had written to Councillor Maple and the Leaders of Kent County Council and the 12 Borough and District Councils inviting them to develop a proposal for local government reorganisation. This would be discussed at the next Kent Leaders’ meeting. He would also be meeting with civil servants from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government before the next Council meeting and would keep everyone updated.
By-elections had been held in the Gillingham South and Rochester East and Warren Woods wards on Thursday, 6 February 2025, and the Leader welcomed the three new Councillors to the Council.
The Deputy Leader expressed thanks for everyone who had organised and taken part in the recent Chatham Chinese Festival celebrating the year of the Snake. |
Record of decisions Minutes: The record of the meeting held on 14 January 2025, was agreed by the Cabinet and signed by the Leader as a correct record. |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Significant Interests Minutes: Disclosable pecuniary interests
Councillor Price declared interests in Agenda Items 7 (Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/2026) and 13 (Proposed Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/2026) as he lived alone and benefitted from a council tax reduction, and was the Chair of Trustees Sunlight Development Trust which received funding from the Council. The Monitoring Officer had granted a dispensation for him to participate, debate and vote.
The Monitoring Officer declared an interest on behalf of Councillor Mahil who had lost his voice, in Agenda Item 13 (Proposed Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/2026) as a joint owner of the arches where he ran a restaurant. The Monitoring Officer advised that he had exercised a delegation to grant a dispensation to Councillor Mahil to participate, debate and vote.
Other significant interests (OSIs)
There were none.
Other interests
There were none. |
Care For Medway: Preliminary Options to Build and Operate a Care Home Additional documents: Minutes: Background:
The report provided the Cabinet with a preliminary analysis of the need for more capacity in Medway’s care home market and recommended that further, specialist analysis be undertaken to fully understand the potential costs and benefits of: designing, commissioning, and building of a care home; and, operating model options, including ongoing maintenance and resourcing.
Provision had been made available for this in the 2024-2025 budget. The report proposed to invest to develop a Care for Medway business case, as originally detailed in the Financial Improvement and Transformation (FIT) Plan published in April 2024.
At the Corporate Landlord Board on 31 October 2024, concerns had been raised around investing the full sum to evaluate if the project was viable or not. It was established the full amount would not be required in full immediately and that a proportion of the budget could be used in the first instance. This report had previously been considered at the Corporate Landlord Board on 12 December 2024, where the recommendations had been supported.
The report had also previously been considered by the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 16 January 2025 and its comments were set out in section 7 of the report.
The Cabinet expressed support for Option 2 which was to design and build on existing Council-owned land as set out in sections 5.9-5.14 of the report.
Reasons: This options paper presented potential ways forward for the Council to progress with its ambitions to provide a Council-owned and operated care home for Medway residential and nursing dementia service users. The proposed specification for a care home also included provisions for assessment beds and reablement, which would increase our capacity and reduce waiting times for clients. The option of using a small number of beds for self-funding clients would also be considered to support financial viability. It is noted, based on this preliminary analysis, that this project would be unlikely to deliver financial savings in the short- to medium-term. However, it would increase the capacity of high-quality care home provision within Medway. Furthermore, the long-term forecast need for residential and nursing dementia care in Medway indicated that demand for such provision was likely to increase significantly. Building and operating a care home represented a significant long-term investment and repayment for the Council, and expert and robust scrutiny was necessary. It was proposed to engage specialist consultants to examine the feasibility and potential business case for a care home, delivering the operating costs analysis at the end of Q1 2025/2026, and following the decision to progress to building design having been agreed, this would be delivered in Q4 2025/2026. |
Apologies for absence Additional documents: Minutes: Background:
The report provided the Cabinet with the findings of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessment of Medway Council's performance in fulfilling their obligations under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014. The CQC had awarded Medway with a score of 59% and an overall rating of "Requires Improvement." It was noted that this was only a few points away from an overall rating of ‘good’. An action plan had already been put in place.
It was noted that the report had previously been considered by the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 16 January 2025 and its comments were set out in section 8 of the report.
To monitor and take actions on the regulatory foundations for meeting the statutory requirements for Medway Council Medway Council under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014. |
Final Funding Formula for Mainstream Schools and Academies 2025/26 Minutes: Background:
The report provided the Cabinet with details of the final funding proposals for Medway’s schools and academies for 2025/26. Officers had formulated the funding arrangements for schools and academies and recommended changes to Medway’s local mainstream schools and academies funding formula.
The Schools Forum had met on 21 January 2025 and had recommended Cabinet approve the implementation of the final funding formula, as set out at section 5 of the report.
It was noted that in line with rule 15.11 of Chapter 4, Part 5 of the Constitution, call-in could be waived where any delay likely to be caused by the call-in process would seriously prejudice the Council’s or the Public’s interests. In this case, the deadline for the submission of the final funding formula to the Department for Education (DFE) was 22 January 2025, which meant that the Council had already submitted the final formula in draft form, subject to final approval by the Cabinet. On this occasion it was proposed that the call-in period be waived to prevent any further delay confirming the Cabinet’s decision to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and to allow the authority to implement the funding formula changes in accordance with the regulations. The Chairperson of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee had agreed that the decisions proposed were reasonable in all the circumstances and to them being treated as a matter of urgency and to waive call-in.
The local authority is required to implement the Final Funding Formula changes for 2025-26 in accordance with the regulations and to inform the Education Skills Funding Agency. |
Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/2026 Additional documents: Minutes: Background:
The report presented the Cabinet with proposed changes to the CTR scheme; ultimately to recommend to Council a Council Tax Reduction scheme for the 2025/26 financial year.
A Diversity Impact Assessment had been undertaken and was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.
The Cabinet accepted the report as urgent to enable consideration of the matter at the earliest opportunity given that the final CTRS scheme would be submitted alongside the Budget to the next scheduled Full Council meeting on 27 February 2025.
The scheme continues to balance the need for supporting those currently in receipt of CTRS and the ability of the Council to fund the scheme within the current budgetary constraints.
Treasury Management Strategy 2025 / 2026 Additional documents:
Minutes: Background:
The report presented the Cabinet with the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy for the 2025/26 financial year. The Treasury Management Strategy incorporated within it the Treasury Management Policy Statement, Annual Investment Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision Policy.
The Audit Committee had considered this report on 28 January 2025 and its comments were set out in Appendix D, which had been circulated within the second supplementary agenda.
A Diversity Impact Assessment had been undertaken and was attached at Appendix B to the report.
Cabinet has the responsibility to make recommendations to Full Council on the approval of the Council’s Treasury Management, Investment Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement and has responsibility for the implementation of the Treasury Management Practices and associated schedules. |
Revenue Budget Monitoring - Round 3 2024/25 Minutes: Background:
The report provided the Cabinet with the results of the third round of revenue budget monitoring based on returns submitted by individual budget managers. In preparing these forecasts, budget managers took account of last year’s outturn, items of growth or savings agreed as part of the budget build, actual income and expenditure for the year to date, and most importantly, their knowledge of commitments and service requirements anticipated for the remainder of the financial year.
The forecast outturn for 2024/25 represented a pressure of £8.429million, an improvement of £2.792million from the position reported at Round 2. The third round of revenue budget monitoring for 2024/25 projected an overspend of £8.429million.
The Full Council is responsible for agreeing a balanced budget in advance of each financial year. The Cabinet is responsible for ensuring that income and expenditure remain within the approved budget, including instructing corrective action to prevent any forecast overspend from materialising.
Capital Budget Monitoring - Round 3 2024/25 Additional documents: Minutes: Background:
The report provided the Cabinet with the results of the third round of the Council’s capital budget monitoring process for 2024/25. The report advised a projected underspend of £7.612million (£7.554million as at Round 2).
Full Council is responsible for agreeing the capital programme. Cabinet is responsible for ensuring that expenditure remains within the approved programme, including instructing corrective action to prevent any forecast overspend from materialising. |
Financial Improvement and Transformation (FIT) Plan Monitoring - Round 3 2024/25 Minutes: Background:
The report provided the Cabinet with a review of the FIT Plan monitoring for Round 3 and was to be read in conjunction with the Revenue Budget monitoring report for this period (Agenda item 9).
Full Council is responsible for agreeing a balanced budget in advance of each financial year. Cabinet is responsible for ensuring that income and expenditure remain within the approved budget, including instructing transformation activities or corrective action to prevent any forecast overspend from materialising.
The FIT Plan, which is reviewed on a monthly basis at Corporate Management Team (CMT), is one of the key tools for ensuring delivery of savings in the current financial year and implementing a range of key actions to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of Medway Council.
Housing Revenue Account Capital and Revenue Budgets 2025/26 Minutes: Background:
The report provided the Cabinet with the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) capital and revenue budgets for 2025/26 and provided details of proposed rent and service charge levels for 2025/26. The Council was required by law to carry out a review of Council rents from time to time and to ensure that the HRA does not fall into a deficit position. The report also contained the latest revised forecasts of the HRA Business Plan.
The report had also previously been considered by the Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 21 January 2025 and the comments of the Committee were set out at section 18 of the report.
A Diversity Impact Assessment had been undertaken in relation to the HRA budget proposals and was attached at Appendix F to the report.
The Council is required to carry out a review of rents and notify tenants not less than 28 days prior to the proposed date of change. The Council is required under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 to ensure that the Housing Revenue ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Proposed Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/2026 Additional documents:
Minutes: Background:
The report provided the Cabinet with proposals for the Capital and Revenue budget for 2025/26. In accordance with the Constitution, this was to be submitted to Full Council on 27 February 2025, the meeting convened to set the Council Tax.
The report contents had also previously been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and their comments were set out in Appendix 1 to the report which was circulated within the second supplementary agenda.
The Cabinet considered the recommendations from the Employment Matters Committee. It was noted that the offer of a leisure membership discount to Medway Councillors had been tabled by officers at the meeting on 29 January 2025, and it had been correct for the Committee to recommend that to Council for fuller consideration. However, the Leader made it clear that the Cabinet would not support this recommendation.
The Cabinet accepted the report as urgent to enable consideration of the matter at the earliest opportunity given that the final budget will be submitted to the next scheduled Full Council meeting on 27 February 2025.
One Medway Council Plan 2024-2028, 2025-26 Key Performance Indicator Refresh Additional documents: Minutes: Background:
The report provided the Cabinet with the 2025-26 key performance indicator refresh for the One Medway Council Plan (OMCP) 2024-28.
A Diversity Impact Assessment had been undertaken and was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.
The report had also previously been considered by the Business Support and Digital Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 30 January 2025 and its comments were set out in Appendix 3 which had been circulated in the second supplementary agenda.
The One Medway Council Plan (OMCP) 2024-28 sets the high-level objectives and direction for the Council and includes the performance indicators that will measure progress and outcomes. Agreement of the key performance indicators for the One Medway Council Plan will ensure continued delivery of the objectives and effective monitoring of performance. |
Risk Strategy Annual Review Additional documents: Minutes: Background:
The report provided the Cabinet with the Council’s Risk Strategy, and presented the annual review of the Risk Strategy. Good corporate governance required that local authorities identify all their significant strategic and operational risks and put effective risk management and internal control systems in place. The Risk Strategy was reviewed annually to ensure that it remained up to date and continued to reflect the Council’s approach to risk management
The report had also previously been considered by the Audit Committee on 28 January 2025 and Business Support and Digital Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 30 January 2025. Comments from these committees had been circulated within the second supplementary agenda.
The establishment of a corporate framework for risk management is recommended by the Chartered Institute and Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) and Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE) and will complement and support the work already being carried out within each directorate to manage risks. |
Council Plan Performance Monitoring Report and Strategic Risk Summary - Quarter 3 2024/25 Additional documents: Minutes: Background:
The report provided the Cabinet with summaries of how the Council performed in Quarter 3 2024/25 on the delivery of these priorities. The report also presented the Quarter 3 2024/25 review of strategic risks.
Regular monitoring of performance and risks by management and Members is best practice and ensures achievement of corporate objectives. |
Kingsley House Office Lease Renewal Minutes: Background:
The report sought delegated authority to complete the lease renewal for the Kingsley House office as the agreed rent was in excess of £20,000 per annum which was outside the limits of the employees’ delegated scheme.
An Exempt Appendix to the report commercially sensitive information on the terms agreed.
To ensure the provision of suitable office accommodation for the Housing Services in conjunction with Customer and Business Support (CABS), after the expiry of the existing lease on 19 March 2025. |
South Thames Gateway Building Control Partnership Business Plan Minutes: Background:
The report sought agreement to the South Thames Gateway (Building Control Partnership Business Plan for 2025 to 2028. The Business Plan outlined how the building control function would be delivered on behalf of the four Partnership Councils up until 2028.
An Exempt Appendix to the report contained details of the South Thames Gateway Building Control Partnership Business Plan 2025-2028.
The constitution of the Joint Committee requires approval of the Business Plan for the following year by the Cabinet of each Partner Authority. |