Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 1 April 2003

No. Item


Additional Education Funding


123/2003 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council that the Schools budget is increased by the additional funding of £1.295 million being made available by Government.
124/2003 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council that officers be instructed to compose a response to the DfES emphasising the continuing shortcomings of the Formula Spending Share calculation for Medway and the particular requirement to have the shortfall recognised by the award of this additional funding to be made recurrent.


Financial Monitoring (Revenue) 2002/2003


129/2003 The Cabinet noted the forecast outturn and the proposed remedial action.


Recruitment Freeze


131/2003 Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in appendix 1 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Health and Community
(a) Housing Asset Information Officer
(b) Building Services Engineer
(c) Stock Condition Surveyors (4)
Finance and Corporate Services
(d) Graphic Design Assistant
(e) Temporary Admin Assistant (Property section)
(f) Assistant Building Surveyor
(g) Building Surveyor
(h) Energy Officer
(i) Energy Admin Assistant
Education and Leisure
(j) Archives Assistant
Development and Environment
(k) Part time Custodians Rochester Castle
(l) Part time Custodian Upnor Castle

132/2003 The Cabinet agreed that a report be submitted to a future meeting providing an update on the following self funding posts:Graphic Design AssistantEnergy Officer/Energy Admin Assistant


Adult Learning Plan 2002/2003 (policy framework)


120/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council the Adult Learning Plan 2003/2004 for approval as part of the Council's policy framework.


Day Service Specialist Transport


135/2003 The Cabinet agreed to award the contract to supply day services specialist transport to UV Modular Ltd and Sparshatts of Kent Ltd on the terms set out in paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 in the addendum report.


Cycle Strategy in Medway


125/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the Strategic Cycle Network Corridors Plan be agreed as the basis for further work and consultation at ward level.
126/2003 The Cabinet agreed that legal and physical measures to allow cycling through the Medway Tunnel together with other alternatives for crossing the Medway be investigated in partnership with the Rochester Bridge Trust and other partners.
127/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the Medway Cycle Forum be recognised by Medway Council as the voice of cyclists in Medway and Medway Council provide appropriate administrative support and meeting facilities for the forum, as detailed in paragraph 7.6 of the report.
128/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the cycling section of the adopted


Channel Tunnel Rail Link - Domestic Train Services


121/2003 The Cabinet recommended the proposed response to the SRA to Council on 9 April 2003 for approval.
122/2003 The Cabinet supported the report of the Select Committee on CTRL Domestic Services and its recommendations.


Meredale - Declaration of Land as Surplus to Requirements


134/2003 The Cabinet deferred consideration of this item to enable officers to carry out further work.


Financial Monitoring (Capital) 2002/2003


130/2003 The Cabinet noted the report and the proposed virements.