Decision details

Cycle Strategy in Medway

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Medway Council has set out a number of statutory targets within the Local Transport Plan (LTP) to encourage cycling.


125/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the Strategic Cycle Network Corridors Plan be agreed as the basis for further work and consultation at ward level.
126/2003 The Cabinet agreed that legal and physical measures to allow cycling through the Medway Tunnel together with other alternatives for crossing the Medway be investigated in partnership with the Rochester Bridge Trust and other partners.
127/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the Medway Cycle Forum be recognised by Medway Council as the voice of cyclists in Medway and Medway Council provide appropriate administrative support and meeting facilities for the forum, as detailed in paragraph 7.6 of the report.
128/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the cycling section of the adopted

Reasons for the decision:

The decisions will help to facilitate the delivery of statutory targets as set out in the Local Transport Plan and will ensure the Council works in partnership with cyclists in Medway to ensure the successful delivery of the cycling strategy. This recognises outcomes of the cycling consultation and progress made since the strategy was adopted.

Publication date: 01/04/2003

Date of decision: 01/04/2003

Decided at meeting: 01/04/2003 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: