Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 18 February 2003

No. Item


Recruitment Freeze


79/2003 Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in appendix 1 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Health and Community
(a) Private Sector Housing Enforcement Officer
(b) Contracts Officer
Education and Leisure
(c) Primary Keys Skills Strategy Manager.


Agreement to Lease to Private Landlords


84/2003 Cabinet agreed that the Director of Finance and Corporate Services be granted delegated authority to negotiate a 5-year residential lease with a private company.


Corporate Recharges to the Housing Revenue Account


82/2003 The Cabinet instructed the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to account for the amount of corporate recharges charged to the housing revenue account and challenge the basis of the apportionment based on actual, rather than historical costs. This information is to be used to inform the Somewhere to Live Best Value Review.


Developing a strategic framework for Green space facilities in Medway


65/2003 Cabinet agreed to the development of a modular Green Spaces Regeneration Strategy.
66/2003 Cabinet agreed that the Green Spaces Regeneration Strategy should be developed as a policy framework document and would be recommended to Council in due course.
67/2003 The Cabinet agreed to the establishment of a member cross party Green Spaces Regeneration Advisory Group, working with officers to oversee the process of policy development and project implementation and encourage partnership working and community participation. It was agreed that this group report on progress to the Cabinet and the Environment and Regeneration and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


Parking - Ward Reviews (Rainham and St Margaret's and Borstal)


75/2003 Cabinet approved for the Rainham Ward Parking Review:a) Permit holders only parking in Brown Street, Quinnel Street, Longley Road and Holding Street (Western Side) and shared permit holder and one hour limited waiting in Holding Street on the eastern side. b) Delegated authority was given to the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Key Services, to consider any valid objections received following the advertisement of the intention to make the traffic regulation order, and to decide whether to proceed with the making of the order, with or without modifications.
76/2003 Cabinet approved for the St. Margaret's and Borstal Parking Review:a) the proposed introduction of permit holder parking in Blue Boar Lane from 8am to 10pm, Monday to Saturday.b) the proposed introduction of shared permit holder and pay and display parking in Bardell Terrace from 8am to 7pm, Monday to Saturday. c) the proposed introduction of shared permit holder and pay and display parking in The Esplanade from 8am to 7pm, Monday to Saturday.
77/2003 Cabinet agreed that the following proposals for the St. Margaret's and Borstal Parking Review be put out for consultation:a) to introduce permit holder parking in Borstal Street from 7am to 10pm Monday to Saturday.b) to introduce permit holder parking and non-resident parking limited for 4 hours in Roebuck Road from 8am to 7pm Monday to Saturday.The outcome of this consultation is to be reported back to the Cabinet for determination.


Secondary Admission for Children Transferring in 2003, with particular reference to the Walderslade area


See attached record of decisions


Luton Road, Chatham


69/2003 Cabinet approved that the conversion of the zebra crossing to a pelican crossing be put into the safety schemes for LTR funding 2003/2004 but it should not be given preference over schemes where there are greater concerns over public safety.
70/2003 Cabinet agreed that officers should investigate the mobile speed camera unit operating in this area.


Update on Website Review Project


80/2003 Cabinet noted the progress on the web review project to date.
81/2003 Under the terms of the recruitment freeze, Cabinet approved the appointment of 8 temporary staff for a period of 8 weeks to migrate information from the old to new website at a cost of £29,000 which could be met from existing budgets.


Medway Local Plan: Response to Public Consultation on Schedule of Modifications


64/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the recommendations in the report and the addendum report be accepted, with the exceptions of Rochester Airfield Policy S11 and all other references to built development on Rochester Airfield which should be deleted from the plan.


Land off Broadway, Gillingham


85/2003 Cabinet agreed to defer this matter to enable further investigation.


Passenger Transport Best Value Review


See attached record of decisions (see below)


IDeA Improvement Programme - Elderly Services


78/2003 The Cabinet agreed to engage the IDeA to undertake the work as outlined in the report.