Decision details

Passenger Transport Best Value Review

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the Passenger Transport Best Value Review options report.


See attached record of decisions (see below)

Reasons for the decision:

The options in the best value review respond positively to the views of residents and businesses of Medway that public transport should be improved and made more attractive to users.Traffic growth would lead to increasing congestion on the roads in Medway unless action is taken to offer users a realistic choice of travel optionsThe option ' cheaper fares for young people' was deleted from the themed options listed at decision number 72/2003 above, as the pilot trial would provide data to assist in bringing forward any detailed options.The themed option 'alternative fuels for buses' and the given option 'link transport planning and budgets to enable hypothecation of funds to meet specific targets in relation to bus transport' were also deleted from the options listed above. These would be dealt with via the development of the quality bus partnership. The integrated transport procurement unit gives the opportunity to improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the council's transport procurement

Publication date: 18/02/2003

Date of decision: 18/02/2003

Decided at meeting: 18/02/2003 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/10/2003

Accompanying Documents: