Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 26 November 2002

No. Item


2001/2002 Audit Letter


341/2002 The Cabinet agreed the response to the Audit Letter as set out at appendix A to the report.
342/2002 The Cabinet commended officers for their work so far on this matter.


Capital Budget 2003/2004


337/2002 The Cabinet forwarded the provisional draft budget to Overview and Scrutiny as work in progress inviting them to offer comments on the proposals outlined subject to the following amendment:-Refurbishment of play areas be added to the Capital programme at a cost of £300,000


Communications Protocol


343/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the updated communications protocol as set out in appendix 1 to the report be approved and be added to the Council's constitution.


Financial Monitoring (Capital)


340/2002 Cabinet noted the report.


Financial monitoring (Revenue)


338/2002 The Cabinet noted the remedial action that has already been taken and instructed Management Team to seek further proposals in order to contain expenditure.
339/2002 The Cabinet agreed to an immediate freeze on recruitment to all posts other than those posts for which job offers have already been made. Any requests for exceptions will be reported to Cabinet for approval.


Revenue Budget 2003/2004


335/2002 The Cabinet forwarded the provisional draft budget to Overview and Scrutiny as work in progress inviting them to offer comments on the proposals outlined subject to the following amendments:-Appendix 1 (note no. 27) - to reduce the savings figure to £237,000 by taking out the post-16 home to school transport elementAppendix 5 (notes 14, 15 and 16) - to delete the 3 posts (Health and Safety Officer, Public Relations Officer and Information Officer).
336/2002 The Cabinet instructed directors to work on all the options for further savings and income proposals as set out in paragraph 7.2 of the report.


Land off Broadway, Gillingham


Review of LA21/EMAS Activity - Implementation Report: Call-in to Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee


344/2002 The Cabinet agreed that officers consult with Members of the LA21 Forums on the proposed changes to the forums' administrative support prior to this item being reconsidered by the Cabinet and that the forums' comments be incorporated into the report which will be reconsidered by Cabinet.


Establishment of a Medway Admissions Forum


345/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the membership of the Forum should be as set out in the table (Medway's proposals) in paragraph 4.1 to the report and that LEA representation be as follows:2 Conservative Group Members1 Labour Group Member1 Liberal Democrat Group Member
346/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the expenses scheme be comparable to similar bodies such as the Schools Forum and School Organisation Committee.
344/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council that any procedural and other issues relating to the Forum should be determined by the Director of Education and Leisure.