Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 25 June 2002

No. Item


Redevelopment: 21-27, 30-32 High Street Gillingham and Britton Street Car Park


130/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council to agree, subject to a further report being presented to Cabinet on 9 July providing more information on how adequate parking in the area can be achieved:i) to declare Britton Street car park surplus ii) to declare surplus 21-27 and 30-32 High Street Gillinghamiii) agree the terms and conditions set out in the report for their disposal Setting aside from the capital receipt, the disturbance cost for the surrender/relocation of the commercial tenant form 23 High Street.


Final Revenue and Capital Outturn 2001/2002


128/2002 That Cabinet notes the provisional final revenue and capital outturn for 2001/2002.
129/2002 That Cabinet recommends to Council that the general fund balance be reduced to £7.1 million to fund £2.9 million of the revenue overspend.


Local Plan - inspector's report


120/2002 That the proposed responses recommended by officers in the report be accepted with the following exceptions:
a) With respect to Rochester Airfield (Appendix 1 refers) Policy S11 and all other references to built development on Rochester Airfield be deleted from the plan.
b) Former paint factory, Bush Road, Cuxton: the indicative capacity for the site remaining at 45 as in the deposit local plan.
c) Rear of Elm Avenue, Chattenden: the indicative capacity for the site remaining at 30 as in the deposit local plan and with no amendment to the site boundary to include the property known as Searchlight as recommended by the Inspector.
d) Reference to residential development, rear of compass close and The Tideway, Rochester be deleted from the plan.
121/2002 The report, encompassing the views of the Cabinet, be referred to Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration, to allow Cabinet to make recommendations to Council in September 2002.


Award of Waste Contract(s): Street Cleansing by Parish Councils


137/2002 That the Parishes of Cuxton, High Halstow and the Isle of Grain be offered the option to clean their own streets.
138/2002 That the allocation of funding to the three Parish councils be at the level of the lower of the bid price by the alternative service provider or the Parishes.


Award of Waste Contract


132/2002 A contract for the provision of a service for the collection and disposal of abandoned vehicles be awarded to the tenderer identified in 6.1.1 of the report.
133/2002 The tenderer identified in 6.1.2 of the report be awarded a contract for the provision of the remainder of the waste services subject to the decision at 134/2002 below.
134/2002 The contract awarded to the tenderer, identified in paragraph 6.1.2 of the report, embracing street cleansing services excludes the parishes of Cuxton, High Halstow and Isle of Grain.
135/2002 Cabinet noted that the services contained within these contracts came into effect on 29 September 2002 and would be for a period of 7 years with an option to extend the contract for up to another 2 years.
136/2002 Officers require the tenderer, identified in paragraph 6.1.2 of the report, to ensure that their normal vehicle fleet in Medway under 3.5 tonnes is capable of operating on 'alternative' fuel and officers investigate further options for alternative fuel usage in the future for heavier vehicles in the fleet.


Local Transport Plan Annual Progress report


122/2002 The director of development and environment was authorised to produce the Annual Progress Report in accordance with the details set out in the report and Government guidance and submit it to Government within the statutory timescale.
123/2002 The consultation arrangements set out in paragraph 4.10 of the report were supported.
124/2002 The Cabinet agreed that funds received from Government into the single capital pot through the LTP/APR bidding process would be ring-fenced for transport expenditure.


Annual Housing Submission


119/2002 The Cabinet agreed to refer the draft Housing Strategy Statement to the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee for comment and for the feedback from other consultation events to be incorporated into the final draft of the HRA Business Plan and Strategy Statement for consideration by Cabinet on 9 July.


Medway Light Rapid Transit Proposals


125/2002 The findings of the report were noted.
126/2002 The Cabinet agreed that further feasibility work be undertaken, to be funded from the £250,000 included in the 2002/3 local transport plan settlement. Specifically this work should focus on: (a) developing a comprehensive review of transport patterns and future strategy; (b) assessing in greater detail the financial viability of a rapid transit scheme, including further work on the cost projections and more detailed analysis of funding opportunities. This exercise should also include a risk assessment; (c) conducting the necessary technical and operational studies to enable this appraisal to occur; and (d) consulting all necessary stakeholders and partners.
127/2002 The Cabinet agreed that any decision to implement a transit system for Medway be dependent on the outcome of these studies and a further report be submitted to Cabinet