Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 3 November 2009

No. Item


Rochester Castle Conservation Plan


180/2009 The Cabinet adopted the Conservation Plan for Rochester Castle.


Gateway 4 Contract Review: Highways Minor Works Contract


190/2009 The Cabinet awarded a second one year extension to Volker Highway's Highways Minor Works Contract, in accordance with the conditions of contract, which was originally procured through the council's procurement procedures.


The Provision of On-Street Disabled Parking Bays


173/2009 The Cabinet agreed the recommendations as set out in paragraph 7.4 of the report and referred recommendation 7.4.1 (a), (b) and (c) to the Council's budget setting process for decision.


Gateway 3 Contract Award: Sir Evelyn Road, Rochester


186/2009 Cabinet accepted the tender from Raymond Brown Construction Ltd on the terms set out in the exempt appendix to the Cabinet report.


Recruitment Freeze


184/2009 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process: Business Support. a) Senior Marketing Manager (and to fill any resulting vacancies that arise from the existing staff obtaining promotion within the team). Children and Adults. b) Welfare Benefits Officer - Social Care Commissioning. c) Communities Activities Officer - Adult Learning Disability. Regeneration, Community and Culture. d) Technical Assistant - Development Control.


Local Transport Plan


174/2009 The Cabinet instructed officers to produce Medway Transport Strategy to cover the period 2011 to 2026, together with supporting Implementation Plans covering successive 3 year periods.
175/2009 The Cabinet agreed to support the national Transport Goals but refined to incorporate sub-regional and local objectives.
176/2009 The Cabinet agreed the formation of an LTP3 All Party Cabinet Advisory Group as set out in the terms of reference in Appendix A to the report.
177/2009 The Cabinet agreed the LTP3 programme for the production and consultation as detailed in the report and Appendix B to the report.
178/2009 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority for the consultation of the draft Implementation Plan to the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services.
179/2009 The Cabinet agreed the engagement of Consultancy support to produce a Strategic Environmental Assessment as part of the LTP3 development.


Gateway 3 Contract Award: Yellow Buses and Supported Bus Services


189/2009 The Cabinet agreed the contract awards for the following: Yellow bus MY1&2 service to Manns Travel. Yellow bus MY3 service to Chalkwell Coach & Hire Tours. Supported bus services 120/121, 134, 136, 675 to Arriva Southern Counties. Park and Ride to Arriva Southern Counties.


Gateway 4 Contract Review: Various Supported Bus Services 2007 Including Scholars' Seasons Tickets


191/2009 The Cabinet approved the continuation of the given contracts.


Gateway 3 Contract Award: Supporting People in Physical Disabilities Floating Support Service


188/2009 The Cabinet agreed that the contract be awarded to In Touch, on the basis of the outcome of the procurement process for a period of 3 years with the provisions to extend for a further 1 year thereafter.


Review of Strategic Housing Improvement


172/2009 The Cabinet noted the progress on the Strategic Housing Improvement Plan and requested a further version to be provided to the Cabinet, following the outcome of the Strategic Housing Inspection in December 2009.


Support for People in Temporary Accommodation


171/2009 The Cabinet agreed the task group findings as set out in section 8 of the Support for People in Temporary Accommodation review document and to the preparation of an appropriate action plan in response.


Queen Street Development, Chatham


182/2009 The Cabinet authorised the submission of a planning application on this site, and agreed to the pre-application public engagement exercise proposed subject to noting that the drawings appended to the report are indicative only, and that if the Council's residential car parking standards are amended following the public consultation currently underway, the scheme would have regard to the new standards.


Gateway 3 Contract Award: Cash Collection Service Via Kent Buying Consortium


187/2009 The Cabinet noted the award of contract by the Kent Buying Consortium to Contract Security Services and agreed that Medway would enter into an Individual Service Contract as part of this collaborative procurement.


Annual Review of Risk Management Strategy and 6 Monthly Review of the Council's Corporate Business Risk Register


181/2009 The Cabinet approved the revised Risk Management Strategy, as set out in appendix A to the report, and the amendments to the Council's Risk Register detailed in appendix C to the report.


Implications Following Laming Report


Gateway 3 Contract Award: Medway Tunnel Systems


185/2009 The Cabinet accepted the tender from Vital Technology Ltd on the terms set out in the exempt appendix to the Cabinet report.


Disposal of Land and Buildings at Darnley Road, Strood


183/2009 The Cabinet recommended to Council that it declared the Darnley Road site surplus and that the Assistant Director of Housing and corporate services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance be authorised to dispose of the property for best consideration.