Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 15 April 2003

No. Item


Medway Council's Performance Plan (policy framework)


The Cabinet agreed to defer the consideration of the initial proposals for the 2003/2004 Performance Plan to the first Cabinet meeting in the new municipal year.


Housing Provision for Vulnerable Young People in Medway (Review by the Youth and Education Overview and Scrutiny Committee)


142/2003 The Cabinet approved the recommendations at 8.1 (a) (i) - (v) in report, subject to the amendment of (a) (i) to read:
a) officers investigate potential sources of funding for a 'young persons housing officer' post. This post is to act as the central point of contact for young people's issues for both clients and council partners. (recommendation 6)
143/2003 The Cabinet supported the officer actions and the findings of the review, as set out at 8 (b) and 8 (c) of the report.
144/2003 The Cabinet agreed that a report be submitted to overview and scrutiny on progress in implementing findings and recommendations in six months time.


24 Hour Economy (Review by the Regeneration and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee)


The Cabinet agreed that an officer working group be set up to investigate and develop the feasibility of a 24 hour economy taking into account the recommendations from the overview and scrutiny review. The working group is to report back to the Cabinet.


Declaring land as surplus to requirements


The Cabinet agreed to declare 9 London Road, Strood, as edged black on the attached plan, as surplus to requirements so that the Director of Finance and Corporate Services can sell it using his delegated powers on the basis of a long leasehold interest.


Special Educational Needs




Recruitment Freeze


The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in appendix 1 to the report and the supplementary information tabled at the meeting, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Health and Community Services
a) Support Services Assistant - Family Centres
b) Child Protection Administrator
c) Welfare Benefits Officer

Development and Environment
d) Market Superintendent
e) Service Monitoring Officer
f) Intelligence & Information Officer

Chief Executive
g) Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator

Finance and Corporate Services
h) Health and Safety Adviser
i) Caretaker/Security


Local Authority Social Housing Grant


The Cabinet noted the report and progress against LASHG schemes.
The Cabinet approved the virement of £250,000 from the DIYSO programme to complete the match funding of £1.1m required for the Direct Access Hostel.
The Cabinet agreed that officers provide a list of schemes that could be completed within the timescale available for consideration by Cabinet.


Prostitution in Medway


The Cabinet endorsed the work of the multi-agency group so far.
The Cabinet agreed that officers continue to work with local residents.
The Cabinet agreed that officers report back in 3 months on the progress in identifying funding.