Issue details

24 Hour Economy (Review by the Regeneration and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee)

Recommendations to be put forward to the cabinet at the conclusion of the 24 hour economy review conducted by three members of the Regeneration and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Decision made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 15 Apr 2003 by Cabinet

Angela Prodger Community safety

Contact: Rosie Gunstone (Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinator) Telephone: (01634) 332715 E-mail:

Consultation process

Officers, Members, members of the public, Medway Youth Parliament, transport operators, local businesses, restaurant and club owners, taxi drivers, Town Centre Forums, Strood Pilot Area Committee, SEEDA, Licensed Victuallers Association, Medway Tourism Association, Medway Music 2000, Chamber of Commerce, Medway Ports Authority, University, Medway campus student union, Kent Institute of Art and Design.


Agenda items
