Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 2 June 2009

No. Item


Contract Extension: Citizens Advice Medway


96/2009 The Cabinet agreed the proposed formal one-year extension period of the service contract provided by Citizens Advice Medway to allow for a competitive process to be undertaken in line with the contract rules.


North Kent Multi Area Agreement


85/2009 That Cabinet agreed that the Leader, supported by the Chief Executive, be authorised to continue the discussions and negotiations to finalise a Multi Area Agreement for North Kent.
86/2009 The Cabinet agreed that authority be given to the Leader to sign the Multi Area Agreement on behalf of the Council, subject to the content of the Multi Area Agreement falling within decision making powers of the Leader and Cabinet.
87/2009 The Cabinet agreed that the Chief Executive submits a further report on the agreement which is entered into and progress being made on its implementation.


Dartford River Crossing Study for a Lower Thames Crossing


88/2009 The Cabinet instructed the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture to write to the Department for Transport to: a) seek agreement for Medway Council to actively participate in any project group set up to influence the study brief for the detailed assessment of the proposed crossing options; b) Support the Study recommendation that options D1 and D2 should not be taken forward for future examination for the reasons given in the report; c) Provide early feedback on factual inaccuracies in the report.


Playbuilder Procurement Programme


94/2009 The Cabinet approved the use of the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation play framework contract for procurement using a design and build process.
95/2009 The Cabinet agreed to delegate the appointment of companies for each of the 22 schemes in the programme to Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community Services.


Additions to the Capital Programme


91/2009 The Cabinet recommended to Council to approve the addition of the schemes detailed at section 3 to the approved capital programme.
92/2009 The Cabinet delegated authority to the Assistant Director, Housing and Corporate Services to undertake the Civic Centre Demolition Scheme, as set out in paragraph 3.2 of the report, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance.


Award of Various Special Educational Needs Transport Contracts


98/2009 The Cabinet agreed the award of contracts as per the Record of Decisions and agreed that the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture be delegated authority to agree an annual increase in price of the contracts, as detailed in the addendum report, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Front Line Services and Children's Services.


Recruitment Freeze


93/2009 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process:
Business Support
a) Marketing Assistant
Children and Adults Services
b) SSA - Rainham Integrated Health & Social Care Team
c) SSA - Rochester Healthy Living Centre
Regeneration, Community and Culture
d) Senior Urban Design Officer.


Academy Programme - Provision of Project Management and Technical Advisory Services


97/2009 The Cabinet agreed to appoint Mace to provide Project Management and Technical Advisory services relating to the construction of three Academies in the areas of Strood, Gillingham and Chatham respectively, subject to the inclusion by Council on 18 June 2009 of the scheme in the Council's Capital Programme.


Cabinet Advisory Groups