Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 28 June 2005

No. Item


Improving Our Streets


140/2005 The Cabinet approved the locations for the pilot 'Improving Our Streets' initiative in the current financial year, as set out in paragraph 3.5 of the report, with a budget cost of £200,000 funded from the various contributions as set out in paragraph 7.1 of the report.
141/2005 The Cabinet instructed the Director of Development and Environment to consult with the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport and relevant Ward Councillors on the detail of each pilot scheme.


School Organisation Review Procedures


151/2005 The Cabinet approved the school organisation review procedures as set out in annex A to the report subject to the following further revisions to the public consultation process outlined on page 4 (page 202 of the agenda papers):
·the deletion the word 'normally' from the first line of the third paragraph and also from the first and second bullet points ·
the addition of a further bullet point, to read:


Acceptance of Tender - Pavement Resurfacing Works 2005/2006


153/2005 The Cabinet agreed that Mede Mill Construction be offered the contract, on the terms set out in the exempt appendix, to carry out pavement resurfacing works for 2005/2006.
154/2005 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Development and Environment to issue a letter of acceptance to the favoured contractor to allow work to commence as soon as possible to ensure the work is conducted during the summer season. Under the Conditions of Contract Form of Tender the letter of acceptance shall constitute a binding Contract.
155/2005 The Cabinet agreed, in accordance with standing orders, that a formal Contract under seal be entered into with the necessary Performance Bond.


Rochester Riverside - Infrastructure Works Monitoring


156/2005 The Cabinet agreed to waive the contract rules and appoint Halcrow to monitor the infrastructure works. The cost of the appointment is detailed in the exempt report. NOTE: Call-in powers do not apply to this decision, in accordance with rule 16.11 of chapter 4, part 5 of the Constitution.


Race Equality Scheme


145/2005 The Cabinet agreed the revised Race Equality Scheme for publication in July 2005 and implementation over the next 3 years.


Local Transport Plan (LTP) Review


142/2005 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Full Council that
a) the provisional Local Transport Plan be agreed for the purposes of consultation and submission to Government in accordance with statutory requirements.
b) the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport, may make minor amendments to the provisional LTP, subject to the amendments not adversely altering the overall policies and programmes set out in the draft document.
143/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the recommendations of the Member task group reported to a meeting of the Environment and Front Line Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 19 January 2005 be incorporated in the provisional LTP as detailed in Appendix B to the report.
144/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transport may:
(a) consult on the provisional LTP in accordance with the details set out in the report and report back to a future meeting.
(b) produce supporting documentation, analysis and transport strategies that conform to the priorities, objectives and targets of the provisional LTP and where appropriate consult on the supporting transport strategies as part of the LTP consultation and report back to a future meeting.
(c)produce an Annual Progress Report for the period 2004/2005 in keeping with Government guidance.


Implementing Electronic Government (IEG) Statement


149/2005 The Cabinet approved the IEG4.5 Statement for submission to ODPM by 18 July 2005.


Housing Stock Options Appraisal


134/2005 The Cabinet agreed to endorse the recommendation from the Stakeholder Forum for stock retention and this be the Council's preferred option for submission to the Government Office for the South East.
135/2005 The Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to investigate the option of inviting tenders for a joint housing management and maintenance contract and report back to Cabinet with a draft timetable.
136/2005 The Cabinet agreed to take no further action to refurbish Queens Court, Fitzhorold House or Shalder House to Decent Homes Standards, and that consultation take place on the future of these three units, in particular that alternative options are investigated for future use.
137/2005 The Cabinet noted the establishment of a task group to evaluate the rest of the Council's sheltered housing stock and that other providers of sheltered housing in Medway and other stakeholders including the tenant group 'MeRGe' be invited to participate in this work.
138/2005 The Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to retain the Stakeholder Forum as the main consultative body should the Council decide to outsource the management of the housing stock.
139/2005 The Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to ensure that the Stakeholder Forum is given the opportunity to comment on the formal submission documents prior to despatch to the Government Office for the South East.


Youth Justice Plan (Policy Framework)


133/2005 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council that the Youth Justice Plan for 2005/06 is agreed and forwarded to the Youth Justice Board for approval.


Recruitment Freeze


152/2005 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:Education and Leisure
a) Admissions Assistant
b) Assistant Sports Development Officer
Health and Community Services
c) Team Leader Assessment.


Statement of Accounts


146/2005 The Cabinet noted the revenue and capital outturns as reported in sections 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the report.
147/2005 The Cabinet recommended to Council that it approves the draft statement of accounts for 2004/2005.


Treasury Management Outturn Annual Report


Primary School Places North Gillingham: Richmond Infants and Arden Juniors (Outcome of Consultation)


150/2005 The Cabinet approved the option of creating a new community 2 form-entry all through primary school and nursery unit on the existing school sites, and authorised statutory notices to be published.