Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 23 September 2003

No. Item


A228 Dualling - Tender Acceptance


The Cabinet accepted the tender from Alfred McAlpine on the terms set out in paragraph 6.1 of the report.


Parking Review: Gillingham South


282/2003 The Cabinet approved the proposed scheme to introduce two controlled parking zones from 8am to 10pm Monday to Sunday in the Gillingham South Ward (the boundaries of the two zones are set out in appendices C and D to the report).
283/2003 The Cabinet approved the recommendation to make the car park at the Municipal Buildings short stay with a maximum stay of two hours with the exception of


Electoral Commission Consultations


286/2003 The Cabinet approved the proposed response to the consultation on the cycle of local government elections for submission to the Electoral Commission.
287/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, be authorised to submit a response on the consultation on voting and candidacy age, subject to that response being derived from a resolution of full Council following its consideration of views from the Youth Parliament and schools.


Evaluation of Choice Based Lettings


278/2003 The Cabinet approved the adoption of the HomeChoice model for access into social housing and other tenures in Medway.
279/2003 The Cabinet noted the proposed enhancements in the action plan and, in particular, the need to simplify the current priority banding system to achieve greater transparency and fairness, as part of a planned review of the allocations policy involving public consultation.


Revenue Budget Monitoring


The Cabinet endorsed the management action summarised in the report including the requirement for Health and Community Services management to present an options report, to ensure that expenditure is contained within approved budgets.


Local Improvement Finance Trust


This item was withdrawn


Medway Renaissance Partnership


274/2003 The Cabinet noted the £56.6 million funding for Medway projects announced by the government on 30 July 2003, while also noting with disappointment the difficulties around draw down arrangements.
275/2003 The Cabinet asked that the Chief Executive write to government officials about the urgent need to draw down funds for Rochester Riverside.
276/2003 The Cabinet, in the light of the funding announcement, agreed to defer marketing the Rochester Riverside site in the current financial year, and to accelerate the engineering design works so they can be progressed at the same time as the outline planning application is prepared.
277/2003 The Cabinet agreed to defer the formal setting up of the Medway Renaissance Partnership as a company limited by guarantee and agreed not to commit major expenditure on its projects until the problems over the draw down of funding have been resolved.


Petition - Hickory Dell Access


281/2003 The Cabinet revoked the former Policy and Resources Committee's decision to declare the relevant access rights surplus and authorise the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to arrange for their disposal.


Recruitment Freeze


285/2003 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Health and Community Services
a) Payment Assistant
b) Workforce Development Manager
Finance and Corporate Services
c) Exchequer Assistant
Development and Environment
d) Play area and allotments contract officer