Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 8 July 2003

No. Item


Kent and Medway Structure Plan: Deposit Plan


189/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the deposit draft of the Kent and Medway Structure Plan be approved for publication and consultation.
190/2003 The Cabinet endorsed the timetable envisaged for the publication of the Deposit Plan and the subsequent stages leading to final adoption of the Plan.
191/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Development and Environment be delegated authority to make further changes as prove necessary in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development and Kent County Council prior to final consideration of the Deposit Plan by full Council in July.


Learning and Skills Council - Overview and Scrutiny Review


The decisions are set out in full in the Cabinet record of decisions for 8 July 2003


Business Rates Relief Policy


199/2003 That cabinet approved the amendments to the guidelines as set out in appendix 1 of the report (highlighted in bold and italic in the column of figures section), including the removal of clauses (vii) and (viii).
200/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council the following amendments to the employee delegation scheme and appeal arrangements to be incorporated into the constitution:(i) The Director of Finance and Corporate Services be given delegated authority to determine relief from non-domestic rates in accordance with the approved guidelines.(ii) Any appeal arising from a disputed decision made under these delegated powers or where the guidelines do not cover the circumstances surrounding the claim for relief shall be to the Cabinet.


Statement of Accounts


194/2003 The Cabinet noted the revenue outturn position of £3.507m and the consequent use of the general fund reserve as outlined in paragraph 5.5 of the report.
195/2003 The Cabinet recommended that Council approve the draft statement of accounts for Medway Council for 2002/2003.
196/2003 The cabinet recommended that Council approve the determinations under Part IV of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 for the financial year ended 31 March 2003 as set out in appendix 2 of the report.


Recruitment Freeze


210/2003 The Cabinet agreed to the following new posts, as detailed in appendix 1 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:Education and Leisurea. Health and Safety AdvisorDevelopment and Environmentb. Secretary - Regeneration and Environmentc. Technical Assistant - Medway Tunnel (new post)Chief Executived. Member Support AssistantFinance and Corporate Servicese. Senior Contracts Officer


Variation of Restrictive Covenants


214/2003 The Cabinet deferred this item to the next meeting to enable officers to provide a more detailed report.


Annual Housing Submission (including HRA Business Plan, Housing Strategy and Homelessness Strategy)


The decision for the annual housing submission is set out in full in the Cabinet record of decisions for 8 July 2003.


Award of Contract: Provision for Excluded Pupils


215/2003 The Cabinet agreed to award the contract to RPS Rainer as set out in paragraph 7.1 of the report.
216/2003 The Cabinet agreed to receive a further report following the review of the Will Adams Centre in Autumn 2003.


Capital Budget Outturn 2002/2003


197/2003 The Cabinet noted the capital outturn for 2002/2003.
198/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council the addition of the schemes as detailed in paragraph 4.6 to the capital programme.


Gillingham Pier


211/2003 The Cabinet agreed to support the production of a development brief prepared jointly with Akzo Nobel and their agents, for mixed-use development with the aim of replacing the jobs that will be lost with the closure of the chemical works and that a further report be made to cabinet following preparation of, and consultation on the draft brief with a view to its adoption, by council, as guidance on future development in the area.
212/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the existing proposals which resulted from the previous marketing exercise (detailed in the exempt appendix) are rejected and that further marketing is delayed until a framework giving a clear understanding of the way forward can be formulated.


Review of the Constitution


This report reviews the current arrangements for developing the Council's policy framework and seeks to clarify the authority to serve and confirm Article 4 directions.


School Organisation Plan (policy framework)


192/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that statutory notices be published to invite anyone to object and comment on the plan, and that the outcomes be reported to the School Organisation Committee.


Annual Progress Report on the Local Transport Plan


204/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Highways and Transport, be authorised to:(a) produce an Annual Progress Report in accordance with the details and bid set out in this report and having regard to Government guidance; and(b) submit the Annual Progress Report to Government within the statutory timescale set out in the report.
205/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the consultation and engagement arrangements associated with the APR and the review of targets and indicators as set out in the report be carried out and that the outcome be reported back to Cabinet in due course.


Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan (policy framework)


193/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council the Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan, as attached, for approval.


Primary School Places: Borstal Rochester


The Cabinet agreed to a review of primary school places in the Borstal area and public consultation on the proposed options.