Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 27 January 2009

No. Item


Future of Secondary Education in Gillingham


13/2009 The Cabinet agreed to consultation on establishing a new co-educational school in Gillingham on the New Brompton College site and instructed officers to enter into negotiations with sponsors and to issue a statement of intent to form an Academy.


Strood Town Centre Infrastructure Improvements: Appointment of Consultancy Services - Gateway Three Contract Award


20/2009 The Cabinet agreed to accept the tender from Studio Egret West as set out in the exempt appendix.


Development of Queens Court


22/2009 The Cabinet recommended to Full Council that it agrees to the disposal of the Queens Court site, at the best price reasonably obtainable with conditions attached to ensure the development of affordable supported housing and delegates to the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to finalise the terms of the transaction.
23/2009 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Children and Adults to agree a variance to the existing care support contract with The Avenues Trust for the provision of care support services at the property in line with personalisation policy.


Annual Performance Assessment: Children's Services


14/2009 The Cabinet approved the action plan as set out in Appendix B to the report.
15/2009 The Cabinet instructed the Director of Children and Adults to ensure regular reporting to Members on progress, with partners, in addressing issues identified in the report in order to improve outcomes for children and young people.


Reprovision of Accomodation Based Housing Related Support


21/2009 The Cabinet approved the procurement of four community based floating support services and one accommodation-based support service as detailed in option 3 in the report.


Annual Equality Report


Revenue Budget Monitoring


19/2009 The Cabinet noted the improved position against the revenue budget and instructed officers to continue to exert strict control over areas of discretionary expenditure.


Housing and Homelessness Strategies


11/2009 The Cabinet adopted the Homelessness Strategy 2009-2011 subject to the Assistant Director, Housing and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community Services, being delegated authority to make minor changes to the Strategy to ensure its accuracy.
12/2009 The Cabinet adopted the revised Housing Strategy 2008-2011 subject to the Assistant Director, Housing and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community Services, being delegated authority to make minor changes to the Strategy to ensure its accuracy.


Free Swimming Initiative


16/2009 The Cabinet accepted the DCMS grant for over 60s and under 16s, including the maintenance allocation.
17/2009 The Cabinet accepted NHS Medway's funding of £75,000 for the early implementation of the scheme.


Capital Budget Monitoring


Fire Sprinkler Systems


18/2009 The Cabinet adopted the fire sprinkler systems guidance, as set out in appendix A to the report, as guidance within the Council's Property Strategy.