Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 6 November 2007

No. Item


Fair Access to Care - Eligibility Criteria for Adult Social Care


199/2007 The Cabinet agreed that Medway Council set its threshold for Fair Access to Care Services at Substantial and Critical.
200/2007 The Cabinet noted the potential revenue savings and the cost consequences arising from the need to increase volu


Closure of Post Offices


215/2007 The Cabinet agreed that the Leader form a cross-party delegation, with an invitation to the three local MPs to join the delegation, to seek a meeting with Pat McFadden MP, Minister of State for Employment Relations and Postal Affairs, to present petitions received and make representations against the proposed closure of Post Offices in Medway.
216/2007 The Cabinet agreed that the Leader write to the Local Government Association (LGA), to support its opposition to the proposed closure of Post Offices.


Medway Park Development


204/2007 The Cabinet noted progress to date with Medway Park Development.
205/2007 The Cabinet agreed the award of the contract to Wates Construction and delegated authority to the Assistant Director, Corporate Services, to agree terms and conditions and release phases of the contract as finances are confirmed.
206/2007 The Cabinet agreed to fund the appointment of Project Officer support for a fixed term contract of 2 years from January 2008.


Medway Pledge to Children in Our Care


214/2007 The Cabinet approved the Medway Pledge as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, and that the Director of Children's Services has responsibility for implementing the Medway Pledge across the Council.


Stirling Centre and Creche Facilities at the Black Lion, Strood and Hoo Leisure Centres


217/2007 The Cabinet agreed that opening hours for the Stirling Centre will be from 4pm on Tuesdays and Fridays and all day Wednesdays on a trial basis from January 2008, (in addition to the opening hours of 5pm - 11pm during weekdays and unchanged opening hours at the weekend).


Changes to the Constitution


213/2007 The Cabinet agreed the following change to the Constitution and supported the recommendations to Council on 22 November 2007 set out in paragraphs 4 and 6 of the report: To delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Development in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and the Council's representative on the South Thames Gateway Building Control Joint Committee to submit comments to the Secretary of the Joint Committee on the first draft of the Building Control Business Plan and on any proposed amendments (during the course of each year).


Future of Adult Education


202/2007 The Cabinet instructed officers to carry out the consultation process as indicated in paragraph 6 of the report, and complete a fully detailed analysis of issues referred to in paragraph 7.2 of the report.
203/2007 The Cabinet instructed officers to report back to Cabinet with detailed financial appraisals, options and recommendations.


Annual Review of Risk Management Strategy


211/2007 The Cabinet noted the progress on the actions contained in the original Risk Management Strategy.
212/2007 The Cabinet agreed the revised Risk Management Strategy, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.


Fundamental Review of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)


210/2007 The Cabinet approved the scope of the review.


Review of Statement of Licensing Policy (policy framework)


207/2007 The Cabinet approved the revised Statement of Licensing Policy as set out in appendix one to the report and recommended that Council adopt it as part of the policy framework.


Fundamental Review of Mental Health Services


208/2007 The Cabinet noted that the staff currently employed by Medway Council and seconded to the Kent and Medway Partnership Trust within Community Resource Services will be transferred under the TUPE regulations to the Kent and Medway Partnership Trust with effect from 1 April 2008.
209/2007 The Cabinet noted the contents of this report and the outcome of the review so far.