Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 10 June 2003

No. Item


Joint Review of Social Services


174/2003 The Cabinet adopted the Change / Improvement Plan, as attached to the report, as the basis for continuing change and improvement within the directorate.
175/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the portfolio holder should receive regular reports on progress with the Change Plan and that Cabinet receive proposals for a revised Change Plan for 2004/05 in November 2003.


Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2003


166/2003 The Cabinet referred the draft proposals for the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan to the Health and Community Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration taking into account the views of Cabinet concerning its support for outsourcing the management function and increasing the use of Council void properties for homeless households from 25% to 50%, with this increase being reviewed after the first six months.
167/2003 The Cabinet approved the extension of the Term Maintenance contract for repairs to April 2005.
168/2003 The Cabinet approved the extension of the interim management contract to Pinnacle to 30 September 2003.


SERAS II Consultation


162/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council on 19 June that the suggested response to the Government, as outlined in the attached documents and supported by the annexes be endorsed.
163/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that authority be given to the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to make any necessary minor amendments or minor technical additions to the response prior to its submission to Government on or before 30 June 2003.
164/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that copies of the Council's response be sent to the Department for Transport, The Treasury, Members of Parliament, national, regional and local agencies, partners and consultees.
165/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that copies of the documentation be sent to the Chairmen of all the Parish Councils in Medway.


Homelessness Strategy


171/2003 The Cabinet referred the initial proposals for the Homelessness Strategy to the Health and Community Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration alongside the Housing Strategy and taking into account the views of Cabinet concerning its support for increasing the use of Council void properties for homeless households from 25% to 50%, with this increase being reviewed after the first six months.


Local Authority Social Housing Grant


176/2003 The Cabinet approved:a) the transfer of the original allocation of £120,000 of LASHG from Beaver Housing Society to the Amicus Group, for the Arden Street development, subject to confirmation by the Amicus Board.b) Subject to the allocation being transferred from Beaver to Amicus, the approval to dispose of the site being amended to refer to the Amicus Group rather than Beaver Housing.
177/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council on 19 June the following proposals for LASHG schemes within the capital programme:
a) Town and Country Group (£550,000)
b) West Kent Housing Group (£1,656,693)
c) Affinity (£90,000)
d) Hyde (£830,000).


Medway Council's Performance Plan


172/2003 The Cabinet agreed to refer the Performance Plan 2003/2004 to Council on 19 June for approval as part of the policy framework subject to the following revisions:a) Improvements to Chatham Centre - page 9 of the Performance Plan. Amend to read:


Acceptance of Tender: A229 Wainscott Bypass


181/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the portfolio holder, be given delegated power to accept a tender for the resurfacing of the A289 provided that the funding is provided by the Department for Transport and that the tender value falls within the allocated supplementary credit approval.


Housing Strategy


169/2003 The Cabinet endorsed and referred the initial proposals for the Housing Strategy and Private Housing Renewal Policy to the Health and Community Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration.
170/2003 The Cabinet agreed to officers working with the North Kent Housing Partnership as outlined within the review.


Recruitment Freeze


178/2003 The Cabinet agreed to the following new posts, as detailed in appendix 1 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:Health and Community Servicesa. Contracts Supervisor b. Finance Officerc. Financial Assessment Support OfficerDevelopment and Environmentd. Enforcement and Environmental Campaign Organiser
179/2003 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in appendix 2 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Health and Community Services
a. Health Promotion Research and Development Manager Education and Leisure
b. Finance Assistant
c. Support Officer x 2
d. Case Worker
e. School Transport and Benefits Manager
f. Accountancy Assistant
g. Personnel Assistant x 2
h. Youth Service Admin and Finance Assistant
i. Arts Marketing Manager
j. Governor Support Officer
Chief Executive
k. PA to Labour Group
l. Committee Co-ordinator
Development and Environment
m. Public Transport Officer
n. Outreach Worker Sustainable Communities
o. Sustainable Communities P/T Admin Support
Finance and Corporate Services
p. Technical Support Engineer