Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 26 January 2010

No. Item


Capital Budget Monitoring


Noted 3/2010 The Cabinet noted: a) The spending and funding forecasts summarised at Tables 1 and 2 in the report; b) Additions to the capital programme as detailed in paragraph 5.1.1 of the report and c) The virements as detailed in paragraph 5.1.2 of the report.


Revenue Budget Monitoring


Special Educational Needs Policy and Strategy


11/2010 The Cabinet agreed to adopt the Special Educational Needs Policy and Strategy and that it be reviewed and adapted by officers as necessary, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children's Services, on an annual basis.


Call in: Outcome of the Consultation on the Future of Delce Infant and Delce Junior Schools


10/2010 The Cabinet agreed to amalgamate Delce Infant School and Delce Junior School, on the existing school sites, in September 2012, thereby confirming decision no. 219/2009.


Recruitment Freeze


17/2010 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process:Business Support: a) Exchequer Services Assistant.


Revised Policy for Houses in Multiple Occupation


13/2010 The Cabinet agreed the revised policy for Houses in Multiple Occupation as set out in appendix one to the report.


Revision of the Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy


14/2010 The Cabinet agreed the revised Enforcement Policy for Private Sector Housing, as set out in appendix one to the report.


Gateway One Options Appraisal: Management of Household Waste Recycling Centres


18/2010 The Cabinet agreed to discontinue the current award procedure and commence a new procurement process (option 3 (ii), as set out in paragraph 7.2.1 of the report) for the management of household waste recycling centres.


Annual Performance Assessment - Social Care


Noted 1/2010 The Cabinet noted the outcome of the Annual Performance Assessment of Adult Social Care in Medway, undertaken by the Care Quality Commission for performance year 2008/09 and noted the progress made in the key areas identified for development


Medway Draft Sustainable Community Strategy 2010/2026


12/2010 The Cabinet endorsed the draft Sustainable Community Strategy 2010/2026, as set out at Appendix A to the report, for consultation.


Parking Standards Review


15/2010 The Cabinet adopted on an interim basis the amended draft residential parking standards detailed in the revised table 6.1 set out in the addendum report and table 6.2 set out in the main Cabinet report, which took into account consultation comments.
16/2010 The Cabinet agreed that the amended draft residential parking standards are applied: ·to all pre-application planning advice with immediate effect; ·to all new planning applications submitted on or after 1 March 2010; and ·as and where appropriate, to the submission of details related to existing outline planning applications submitted before 1 March 2010.