Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 5 January 2010

No. Item


Gun Wharf Area, Chatham, Masterplan


4/2010 The Cabinet agreed to withdraw this item.


High Street/Best Street Area, Chatham, Masterplan


Temple Waterfront


7/2010 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to full Council that the development land (as shown cross-hatched on the attached plan at Appendix B) is declared surplus to the Council's requirements and authority is delegated to the Assistant Director Housing and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to: a) advertise the loss of existing open space in accordance with s123(2A) of the Local Government Act 1972, to consider any objections and to determine whether or not to dispose of the land, b) if a decision is taken to dispose of the land, to dispose of it at the best consideration reasonably obtainable, c) enter into any necessary agreements with the landowners to facilitate the development, d) enter into any necessary development agreements (including the grant of necessary access or other consents) to facilitate the development.


Tenants Incentive Scheme


5/2010 The Cabinet approved the Tenants Incentive Scheme for Under Occupation, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report.


Thames Estuary Airport - Feasibility Review


2/2010 The Cabinet agreed to recommend that Full Council reaffirm its opposition to the plans to construct a new Thames Estuary Airport and that Douglas Oakervee (the author of the report) be contacted to: a) advise that any justification for the location of a new airport in the south east could only be considered once detailed London and the south east connectivity and accessibility studies had been undertaken; b) seek to clarify the route of the road and rail links, as detailed in the report; c) draw to his attention the risks associated with the close proximity of the existing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) import facility at Thamesport and the proposed London Array wind farm; d) seek early meaningful proposals for environmental mitigation in line with the requirements of the EU Birds Directive and the EU Habitats Directive.


Gateway 3 Contract Award: Quality Public Transport Corridors Project - Procurement and Maintenance of Real Time Bus Information Display Screens


9/2010 The Cabinet agreed to: a) approve the award of Option 1, the contract for the provision of 50 x 19


Planning of Central Strood


3/2010 The Cabinet agreed the masterplan for Central Strood (subject to a revision to the list of development sites on page 143 of the agenda (page 23 of the masterplan) to change the reference to 'Lidl' in SMP13 to 'Aldi') and that it should be taken forward as part of the development of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy.


Recruitment Freeze


8/2010 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process: Children and Adults Directorate. a) Support Services Assistant - Gillingham Integrated Team, Woodlands Place. b) Assessment Manager - SEN. c) Service Manager - Mental Health.


South Thames Gateway Building Control Business Plan 2010/2011


6/2010 The Cabinet approved the proposed business plan for 2010/11 for the South Thames Gateway Building Control Partnership.


Medway's Strategic Plan for Older People and Joint Commissioning Strategy


1/2010 The Cabinet agreed to delegate to the Director of Children and Adult Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Services, authority to finalise the Positive Ageing in Medway - Older People's Strategic Plan and Joint Commissioning Strategy for Health and Social Care 2010-13, reflecting the comments from the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee (subject to the final sentence within paragraph 3.2.3 of the addendum report being revised to read