Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 15 December 2009

No. Item


Gambling Act 2005 - Review of Council Statement of Gambling Policy


231/2009 The Cabinet agreed the Gambling Policy and recommended it to Council for approval.


Outcome of the Consultation on the Future of Barnsole Infant and Barnsole Junior Schools


208/2009 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Children and Adults to publish formal proposals including statutory notices relating to the closure of Barnsole Junior School from 31 August 2013 and the making of prescribed alterations (the expansion of the school, change in the upper age limit) to Barnsole Infants School from 1 September 2013, to create an all through primary school.
209/2009 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Children and Adults, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Children's Services, to determine whether to approve the closure and new school proposals at the end of the statutory consultation period, if no objections are received, otherwise to bring a report back to Cabinet to determine the closure proposal and the alteration proposals.
210/2009 The Cabinet agreed, subject to the outcome of the above decisions, and once initial feasibility work has been completed, to give consideration to the possibility of bringing forward building works, for completion before amalgamation. The outcomes of the feasibility study into the building project to be presented to the Children and Adult Services Overview and Scrutiny committee for consideration and comment.
211/2009 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Children and Adults, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children's Services, to take the necessary action (including any required consultation) to reduce the Planned Admission Number (PAN) for the new school to 60 as soon as possible.


Local Development Framework: Annual Monitoring Report


232/2009 The Cabinet agreed that the 2009 Annual Monitoring Report be approved and submitted to the Government Office for the South East by 31 December 2009.


Recruitment Freeze


233/2009 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following post, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process: Children and Adults Services. a) Support Services Assistant - Adult Social Care.


Gateway 3 Contract Award: A228 Fenn Corner


235/2009 The Cabinet agreed to accept the tender from Raymond Brown Construction, as set out in the exempt appendix, subject to receipt of planning consent and completion of the land transfer agreement.


Chatham Dockyard and its Defences World Heritage Site Nomination Dossier


229/2009 The Cabinet approved the World Heritage Site (WHS) nomination dossier for Chatham Dockyard and its Defences, and reconfirmed their support for a WHS nomination for Chatham at the next available opportunity.
230/2009 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture, in consultation with the Leader, to agree minor changes necessary to update the nomination prior to submission.


Gateway 1 Options Appraisal: A228 Stoke Crossing


234/2009 The Cabinet agreed to: (i) approve the line and layout of the new road and bridge as set out in the drawings appended to the report and the preferred options (paragraph 7.11 of the report); (ii) approve the use of weathered steel for the main beams; (iii) a planning application for the bridge being submitted; (iv) note that the Monitoring Officer had agreed the use of the Accelerated Restricted Procedure under her delegated authority, and in consultation with the Procurement Board; (v) delegate the decisions to the form of the contract to the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Procurement Board.


Statutory Period Notice Objection: Outcome of the Consultation on the Proposal to Close St. John's Church of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School


207/2009 The Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to reconsider the ratio of denominational places taking into account to the Cabinet decision on St. Nicholas Church of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School and All Faiths Children's Community School (decision no 205/2009), and that officers publish a new notice and proposal taking this into account.


Outcome of the Consultation on the Future of Lordswood Infant and Lordswood Junior Schools


212/2009 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Children and Adults to publish formal proposals including statutory notices relating to the closure of Lordswood Junior School from 31 August 2010 and to make prescribed alterations to Lordswood Infant School to create an all through primary school, from 1 September 2010.
213/2009 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Children and Adults, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Children's Services, to determine whether to approve the closure and prescribed alteration proposals at the end of the statutory consultation period, if no objections are received, otherwise to bring a report back to Cabinet to determine the closure and prescribed alteration proposals.


Outcome of the Consultation on the Future of Oaklands Infant and Oaklands Junior Schools


214/2009 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Children and Adults to publish formal proposals including statutory notices relating to the closure of Oaklands Infant School on 31 August 2012 and to make prescribed alterations to Oaklands Junior School to create an all through primary school, from 1 September 2012.
215/2009 The Cabinet delegated authority to the Director of Children and Adults, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Children's Services, to determine whether to approve the closure and prescribed alteration proposals at the end of the statutory consultation period, if no objections are received, otherwise to bring a report back to Cabinet to determine the closure and prescribed alteration proposals.
216/2009 The Cabinet agreed, subject to the outcome of the above decisions, to instruct officers to consider the possibility of commencing of building works as soon as possible to ensure completion in advance of the proposed amalgamation.


Outcome of the Consultation on the Future of Thames View Infant and Thames View Junior Schools


217/2009 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Children and Adults to publish formal proposals including statutory notices relating to the closure of Thames View Junior School from 31 March 2012 and to make prescribed alterations to Thames View Infant School to create an all through primary school, from 1 April 2012.
218/2009 The Cabinet delegated authority to the Director of Children and Adults, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Children's Services, to determine whether to approve the closure and prescribed alteration proposals at the end of the statutory consultation period, if no objections are received, otherwise to bring a report back to Cabinet to determine the closure and prescribed alteration proposals.


Outcome of the Consultation on the Future of St Nicholas Church of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School and All Faiths Children's Community School


205/2009 The Cabinet agreed not to proceed with the amalgamation of St Nicholas CEVC Infant School and All Faiths Children's Community School.


Outcome of the Consultation on the Future of Delce Infant and Delce Junior Schools


219/2009 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Children and Adults to publish formal proposals including statutory notices relating to the closure of Delce Infant School and Delce Junior School from 31 August 2012 and to create a new all through Primary School, from 1 September 2012 and noted the requirement for the Council to pass the proposal to the Schools Adjudicator for decision at the end of the representation period.


Outcome of the Consultation on the Future of Luton Infant and Luton Junior Schools


220/2009 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Children and Adults to publish formal proposals including statutory notices relating to the closure of Luton Infant School and Luton Junior School from 31 August 2014 and to create a new all through primary school, from 1 September 2014 and noted the requirement for the Council to pass the proposal to the Schools Adjudicator for decision at the end of the representation period.


Outcome of the Consultation on the Future of Twydall Infant and Twydall Junior Schools


221/2009 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Children and Adults to publish formal proposals including statutory notices relating to the closure of Twydall Infant School and Twydall Junior School from 31 August 2011 and to create an new all through primary school, from 1 September 2011 and noted the requirement for the Council to pass the proposal to the Schools Adjudicator for decision at the end of the representation period.
222/2009 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Children and Adults, if the proposals are approved by the Schools Adjudicator, to put in place the temporary governing body at the earliest opportunity and to investigate the possibility of aligning additional special educational needs (SEN) provision, stated in the forthcoming SEN Strategy, such as cochlear implants and providing it at the new school.


Outline Business Case for Strood Academy


223/2009 The Cabinet approved the procurement of the Design and Build Contractor via the Partnerships for Schools (PfS) National Framework and agreed for the Council to enter into related preliminary agreements required by PfS as a condition of use of the National Framework.
224/2009 The Cabinet approved the Outline Business Case for Strood Academy and gave delegated authority to the Director of Children and Adult Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children's Services, Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to make minor changes to the OBC after it had been subjected to the PfS peer review for ratification on behalf of the Council.
225/2009 The Cabinet approved the use of PfS' National Framework standard documentation for all call off activities from PfS' framework panel for the works to be undertaken at each Academy, subject to approval of the documentation by the Council's Monitoring Officer.


Medway Economic Development Strategy 2009-2012


227/2009 The Cabinet agreed to adopt the Economic Development Strategy, and gave delegated authority to the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Strategic Growth to make minor changes to the Strategy to ensure consistency with the forthcoming Employment Land Study.
228/2009 The Cabinet approved the Action Plan, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report.


Comprehensive Area Assessment Results 2009


226/2009 The Cabinet agreed to:a) Accept the contents of the Audit Commission's comprehensive area assessments. b) Instruct the Assistant Director Communications, Performance and Partnerships to ensure that officers respond to the findings of the organisational assessment when presenting proposals to Members for the update of the Council Plan action plan.


Statutory Period Notice Objection: Outcome of the Consultation on the Proposal to Close Ridge Meadow Primary School


206/2009 The Cabinet agreed, in accordance with section 15(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 that Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TR, intends to discontinue Ridge Meadow Primary School, Churchill Avenue, Chatham, ME5 0LA on 31 August 2010.


Provisional Local Government Settlement 2009/2012