Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 4 March 2003

No. Item


Adult Learning Plan


86/2003 The Cabinet referred the initial proposals for the Adult Learning Plan 2003/2004 to the Youth and Education Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration.


Recruitment Freeze


103/2003 Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in appendix 1 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Development and Environment
(a) Tourism Officer
(b) Summer Park Ranger
(c) Customer Systems Co-ordinator

Education and Leisure
(c) Youth and Community Manager (operations).


Medway Renaissance Partnership


87/2003 The Cabinet endorsed the proposal to set up the Medway Renaissance Partnership as set out in the Appendix, subject to formal confirmation of Government support and initial funding, and recommended the matter to Council for approval


Acceptance of Tender - Hoath Way


105/2003 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Development and Environment be given delegated authority to accept the tender for the highway works on the A278 as set out in paragraph 4.3 of the report.


Pattern of the School Year


96/2003 The Cabinet noted the outcome of the consultation and the position in other LEAs.
97/2003 The Cabinet recommended that the Council gives further consideration to changes to the pattern of the school year from 2005 and that, in the light of the public consultation, it pays particular attention to the introduction of a five term year.


Financial Monitoring - Capital


101/2003 The Cabinet noted the report.
102/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the new schemes (Balfour Infants and Upbury Arts College) be included in the capital programme.


Riverside Sports Ground


106/2003 The Cabinet agreed to accept the surrender of the current lease on the terms as set out in paragraph 7 of the report.


Secondary Strategy


88/2003 The Cabinet agreed the Medway Collaboration through Federation Principles as set out in paragraph 7.3 in the report.
89/2003 The Cabinet agreed that officers provide a coordinated approach to establishing 'specialist school status' for all Medway's secondary schools.
90/2003 The Cabinet agreed that officers conduct a time limited consultation with headteachers on proposed federation groupings.
91/2003 The Cabinet asked that the Director of Education and Leisure organise a meeting between David Hinchcliffe (DfES) and Headteachers to discuss Secondary Schools issues in Medway.
92/2003 The Cabinet agreed that officers explore the implications (and if appropriate) prepare for Member consideration a bid to the DfES to establish an Academy School in Medway.
93/2003 The Cabinet agreed that officers should work with the Rochester Diocese to identify how, with other ecumenical partners, standards could be raised in Medway. This could include the option of establishing a second faith secondary school in Medway.
94/2003 The Cabinet agreed that officers submit a report to Youth & Education Overview & Scrutiny on a Secondary School Strategy for Medway on 20 March 2003.
95/2003 The Cabinet agreed that officers submit a report back to Cabinet on all the proposals to develop a Secondary School strategy for Medway in due course.


Supporting People - Contracts and Charging Policy


98/2003 The Cabinet agreed the Supporting People Charging Policy as set out in appendix 1 to the report.
99/2003 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Health and Community Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Community, to enter into contracts for service, including the contracts which exceed £250,000 set out in the appendix to the addendum report, and approve dispensation from the contract rules requiring tendering and quotation procedures, as set out in paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3. of the report.


Management Letter Best Value Performance Plan


100/2003 The Cabinet noted the report.