Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 29 October 2002

No. Item


Acceptance of Tender: Catering Contract


280/2002 Cabinet agreed to accept the tender submitted by Scolarest for the provision of school meals for a period of five years in order to secure an additional £445,000 investment in the development and marketing of the service on a schools only basis and a guaranteed minimum return to the Council of £72,000 per annum.
281/2002 Cabinet agreed to accept the tender submitted by Apetito for the supply and delivery of a hot complete meal, regenerated in a vehicle specifically designed to cook meals en route to customers, (at a cost to the Council of £150,592 p.a thus releasing a saving to the Council of £90,854 a year for a period of three years) with the option, at the sole discretion of the council, to extend for a further period of up to 24 months.
282/2002 Cabinet agreed to accept the tender submitted by Apetito for the supply and delivery of frozen, individual, complete meals, direct to service users homes where this is the appropriate option.
283/2002 Cabinet agreed the continuation of the existing arrangements for corporate catering at the Civic Centre, Municipal Buildings and Compass Centre and accepted the offer from Scolarest to manage the corporate catering services for a period of six months on a 'no fee' basis and ask officers to report back on the alternatives available for the future provision of the services at nil cost to the Council.


The A228 Road Scheme


Disability Discrimination Act Survey to Council Buildings


269/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the second phase of works identified in Appendix 1 amounting to £2,033,900, be funded from general reserves.


South East and East of England Regional Air Services Study (SERAS) - Consultation


262/2002 The Cabinet recommended to the Council that the suggested response as outlined in the documents in the report and supported by the annexes to the report to the Government be endorsed.
263/2002 The Cabinet recommended to the Council that authority be given to the Director of Development and Environment in consultation with the Group Leaders to agree the final content of the Council's response and supporting papers.
264/2002 The Cabinet recommended to the Council that the response be sent to the Department for Transport, the Treasury, Members of Parliament, national, regional and local agencies, partners and consultees.
265/2002 The Cabinet recommended to the Council that a copy of the documentation be sent to the Chairs of the Parish Councils of Medway with particular thanks for their contributions.
266/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the recommendations in the Air Transport Consultation Task Group's report be endorsed and the report itself be sent to Government as part of the Council's formal response to the consultation.




267/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council that additions to the capital programme for 2002/2003 of £110,000 are made in order to achieve the scheme of environmental improvements as set out in appendix 1 to the report, and the next practical steps for delivering Chatham Vision as set out in appendix 2 to the report, a sum of £252,000, be made.
268/2002 The Cabinet agreed that the costs in future years are put forward into the budgetary process for future years.


Tall Ships Race 2005


257/2002 The Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to advise the International Sail Training Association that Medway would wish to host the 2005 Tall Ships Race.
258/2002 The Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to set up a project team to take the event forward.
259/2002 The Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to take a suitable presentation to Antwerp if selected.
260/2002 The Cabinet agreed to allocate a sum of up to £60,000 within the budget setting process to pay the port fees.
261/2002 The Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to commence work to inform the budget setting process of the amount required to be provided to underwrite the event.

Call-in powers do not apply to these decisions, in accordance with rule 16.12 of chapter 4, part 5 of the Constitution.


SEN Home to School Transport Criteria


270/2002 The Cabinet agreed that consultation be held on the proposed revised criteria for SEN home to school transport, as tabled at the meeting. A report back to Cabinet will be made after the close of the consultation period.


Corporate Procurement Strategy


271/2002 The Cabinet recommended to Council the Corporate Procurement Strategy for approval.


Rochester and Chatham Riverside Townscape Heritage Initiative


272/2002 The Cabinet agreed to support the development of the Townscape Heritage Initiative second stage bid and forward the inclusion of the sum of £800,000 as the Council's contribution to THI scheme into the capital programme budget setting process.
273/2002 The Cabinet agreed the preparation of a regeneration strategy for the wider Star Hill to Sun Pier Area, as set out in paragraph 8.3 in the report.


Financial Monitoring (Revenue) 2002/2003


274/2002 The Cabinet endorsed the remedial action outlined in paragraph 3.4 of the report and instructed the Management Team to implement further proposals outlined in the Action Plan (Section 5) in order to contain expenditure within approved limits.


Financial Monitoring (Capital) 2002/2003


275/2002 The Cabinet noted the report