Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 11 March 2008

No. Item


Various Property Disposals


66/2008 The Cabinet agreed to declare the properties set out in paragraph 3 of the report surplus and that the Assistant Director, Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, be authorised to dispose of them at best consideration.
67/2008 The Cabinet agreed that the sale of the Jezreels Tower Site, Gillingham, as outlined in paragraph 3.3.1 of the report, be conditional on the retention of the 16 car parking spaces within the site.


Welfare Vehicles - Reorganisation and Extension of Contract for Existing Fleet


68/2008 The Cabinet agreed the proposed process and extensions to the existing leases with Dawsons for individual vehicles up to a maximum of 18 months.
69/2008 The Cabinet supported the transfer of the operation of the welfare transport service from the Children and Adults Directorate to the Transport Procurement Unit in Regeneration, Community and Culture Directorate from September 2008 as detailed in paragraph 8 of the report, and a Service Level Agreement be established to enable operational and management costs to be recharged to Children and Adults Directorate.
70/2008 The Cabinet supported the implementation of option (c) for the operation of welfare vehicles as detailed in paragraph 7 of the report.


Negotiating Medway's Second Local Area Agreement


50/2008 The Cabinet approved the list of Local Area Agreement priorities at Appendix 1 to the report.
51/2008 The Cabinet endorsed the working list of indicators at Appendix 1 to the report and authorised officers to continue negotiation with the Government Office for the South East to refine the list and begin negotiation on target setting.
N/A The Cabinet noted that a further report will be submitted in due course to agree LAA targets for recommendation to Council.


Critical Success Factors - Third Quarter


not applicable The Cabinet noted the current performance against the Council's CSFs as indicated by the first nine months' figures for this year.
not applicable. The Cabinet noted the comments made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees concerning the CSF performance.


Recruitment Freeze


72/2008 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following post, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process:Regeneration and DevelopmentSenior Research Officer.


Housing Allocation Policy


52/2008 The Cabinet adopted the Housing Allocation Policy as set out in appendix 3 to the report.
53/2008 The Cabinet agreed to review the outcomes of the new policy annually after adoption to inform part of the wider housing strategy process and to monitor its achievements.


Public Conveniences - Extension of Contract


71/2008 The Cabinet agreed to waive contract rules, in line with contract rule 12.1, and agreed to the award of a 10 month contract for public convenience cleaning services with Wettons.


Fundamental Review of Drug and Alcohol Services


54/2008 The Cabinet agreed that the 'Stop that Shop' campaign and hotline, run by Trading Standards to encourage the public to bring to their attention shops that were selling to under-aged young people, should be advertised more widely potentially using Medway Matters.
55/2008 The Cabinet agreed that greater awareness should be given to parents/carers and others through an appropriate media campaign using innovative methods to reach parents, carers and young people. The 'parentis' parenting programme run by the Sunlight Centre could also factor alcohol harm into the programme and could be rolled out to anyone working with young people (The Cabinet also referred this to the Sunlight Centre).
56/2008 The Cabinet agreed that an item should be included in the termly briefing papers that go to all governors urging them to ensure their schools participate in alcohol and drug harm reduction programmes, including the 'Healthier Schools' programme. The subject of alcohol misuse should be added to the model Child Protection Policy for governors and training for all governors should continue to be offered under the headings of the Every Child Matters agenda of staying safe and healthy.
57/2008 The Cabinet agreed to investigate with the Local Magistrates Service, a pilot scheme currently in London that fast-tracks drug and alcohol cases through a specialist court including treatment and recovery services with support from therapists and social workers (The Cabinet also referred this to the Local Strategic Partnership and the Local Magistrates Service).
58/2008 The Cabinet agreed that Medway Council and Medway Primary Care Trust should work more collaboratively in the provision of advice and training to teachers (The Cabinet also referred this to the Medway Primary Care Trust).
59/2008 The Cabinet agreed that school exclusions programmes should routinely include drug and alcohol screening (such as Drug and Alcohol Use Screening Tool - DUST) to identify at an early stage potential substance misuse before more serious behaviour is exhibited. It is also recommended that young people are also screened, as part of primary care prevention services.
60/2008 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council that the Children and Young People's Plan is amended to develop the current targets for the number of qualified PSHE teachers to cover primary schools and to refer explicitly to alcohol as well as drugs education (this will be addressed the next time the Plan is updated and will also be referred to the Medway Children and Young People's Strategic Partnership).
61/2008 The Cabinet agreed to recommend that the Local Strategic Partnership takes forward the following indicators into the new Local Area Agreement negotiations specifically to reduce the harm caused by alcohol and drugs and to reverse the current increasing trend, especially amongst younger people of alcohol misuse: NI 21: Dealing with local concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime by the local council and police. NI 32: Repeat incidents of domestic violence. NI 39: Alcohol-harm related hospital admission rates. NI 41: Perceptions of drunk or rowdy behaviour as a problem. NI 42: Perceptions of drug use or drug dealing as  ...  view the full decision text for item 8.