Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 19 February 2008

No. Item


Medway Learning and Skills Plan


45/2008 The Cabinet approved the Medway Learning and Skills Plan and instructed officers to proceed with the backing of the Cabinet, to take forward the implementation of the Medway Learning and Skills Plan.


Outcome of the Consultation on Establishing a New Academy School in Strood


28/2008 The Cabinet agreed to authorise the Director of Children's Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children's Services, to publish formal proposals including statutory notices relating to the closure of Chapter and Temple Schools.
29/2008 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Children's Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children's Services, to determine whether to approve the closure proposals at the end of the statutory consultation period, if no objections are received.
30/2008 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Children's Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children's Services, to pursue the necessary steps to establish a co-educational academy of eight forms of entry on the Chapter site admitting students aged 11 - 19 from 1 September 2009 (subject to no decisions being taken committing the Council to any course of action until and unless the Council has approved the closure proposal).


Fit for Business: Review of Senior Management Structure


39/2008 The Cabinet recommended to Council on 28 February 2008 the implementation of the two directorate model (as outlined in Appendix C of the report), to be effective from 1 April 2008.
40/2008 The Cabinet recommended to Council approval of the new director and assistant director incremental pay scale, as explained in paragraph 7.2 of the report.


Chatham Bus Facility


41/2008 The Cabinet agreed the principle of locating the Bus Facility on the site referred to in the options appraisal in the report as number 4 (Globe Lane, Island) subject to:
(i) the Council, as landowner, advertising the appropriation of that part of the site currently forming open space from open space to bus facility uses and, in that regard the Director of Regeneration and Development was delegated authority, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community Services, to issue the relevant advertisement and to consider any objections and determine whether or not to appropriate the land.
(ii) the Council being able to obtain vacant possession of those parts of the site currently leased to third parties and, in that regard the Assistant Director (Corporate Services) was delegated authority to take the necessary action to determine such tenancies in so far as is necessary to allow Option 4 to proceed.
42/2008 The Cabinet agreed that a detailed design for option 4 in the report be worked up and a planning application be prepared and submitted for the bus facility in this location.


Chatham Centre and Waterfront Strategic Acquisitions


43/2008 The Cabinet recommended to Council that delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader as Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to authorise strategic land and property acquisitions within the available budget in the Chatham Centre and Waterfront area.


Call-in: Concessionary Fares


44/2008 The Cabinet requested that the Director of Regeneration and Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Front Line Services and Finance, investigate the possibility of maintaining a 9.00am start time for concessionary fares and for this to be considered as part of the 2008/2009 budget setting process.


New Technology for Libraries - Gateway Three Contract Award


46/2008 The Cabinet agreed that Medway libraries join SELMS consortium for the procurement of a new library management system, subject to Council approval of prudential borrowing of £300,000 to meet the capital costs as set out in table 1 of the report.


Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strategy 2008/11


37/2008 The Cabinet approved the Treasury Management and Investment Strategy as set out in the report.
38/2008 The Cabinet recommended the approval of the Prudential limits and indicators (outlined in sections 3 and 4 of the report) to Council on 28 February 2008.


Capital and Revenue Budgets 2008/2009


- The Cabinet noted the recommendations from overview and scrutiny committees as summarised in Section 7 and detailed in Appendix 6 of the report.
31/2008 The Cabinet approved the capital budget proposals, as set out in Appendices 1 to 5 of the report, together with the additions to the current capital programme outlined in paragraph 3.3 of the report, for referral to Council. This included the unfunded priority schemes reflected in Table 3 of the report.
32/2008 The Cabinet recommended to Council that the net revenue budget summarised at Table 9 of the report, amounting to £332.5 million, should be adopted and that this be financed by a 5% increase in Council Tax to £1,041.48.
33/2008 The Cabinet agreed as part of the budget setting proposals the additional delegations to schools and to seek the efficiency and other savings identified at section 3 of the addendum report tabled at the meeting.
34/2008 The Cabinet recommended to Council the fees and charges adjustments set out at Appendix 8 to the report as amended by the information set out in paragraph 3.1 of the addendum report.
35/2008 The Cabinet requested that the Chief Finance Officer calculate the formal requirements under Sections 32 and 33 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for resolution by Special Council on 28 February 2008.


Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue and Capital Estimates 2008/2009


36/2008 The Cabinet recommended to Council on 28 February 2008 for approval:
(i) The proposed Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2008/2009 for the Housing Revenue Account, inclusive of an average rent increase of £3.26 per week (based upon 50 collection weeks and equating to an increase of 5.08%);
(ii) That the policy decision made by Council on 1 March 2007 that the rent level of any new void property be adjusted to its in year formula rent level under rent restructuring requirements continues; (iii) That service charges for 2008/2009 reflect the costs incurred in providing that service, and the average cost will increase by no more than inflation (3.9%, that being the Retail Price Index [all items] for September 2007) plus 0.5% over that charged in 2007/2008;
(iv) The proposed increase in garage rent charges by 3.9%, that being the Retail Price Index (all items) for September 2007.


Carers' Services - Contract Extension


_ The Cabinet noted that in accordance with contract rules the new procurement process would be undertaken to ensure continued delivery of the service after 31 March 2008.
49/2008 The Cabinet approved the formal extension of the existing contracts for carers services to allow for a full procurement process to be undertaken in line with the contract rules and to ensure that the services delivered beyond the contract extension are fit for purpose and meet the needs of carers in Medway.


Community Meals Services - Single Source Contract


47/2008 The Cabinet agreed that the community meals contract be exempt from the procurement process under contract rule 12.1.
48/2008 The Cabinet authorised the Assistant Director of Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Services, to award to Apetito Services a community meals service contract on the terms set out in the report.