Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 18 December 2007

No. Item


Medway Tunnel


249/2007 The Cabinet noted the referrals from Audit Committee and Regeneration and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the action being taken, as set out in section 9 of the report.


Rochester Riverside Phase 1


246/2007 The Cabinet recommended to Council to select Crest Nicholson as the preferred developer partner for Phase 1 of Rochester Riverside.
247/2007 The Cabinet recommended that Council delegates authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to grant a development agreement and lease(s) for term(s) not exceeding 999 years for the land comprising Phase 1 Rochester Riverside on the best terms reasonably obtainable.


Annual Performance Assessment: Children's Services


238/2007 The Cabinet noted the Annual Performance Assessment Report (APA) prepared by Ofsted.
239/2007 The Cabinet instructed the Director of Children's Services to ensure regular reporting to Members on progress, with partners, in addressing issues identified in the report in order to improve outcomes for children and young people.


Chatham Development Framework and Proposed Chatham Bus Station


234/2007 The Cabinet agreed the following key principles prior to the adoption of the Chatham Centre and Waterfront Supplementary Planning Document: a) The location for a new Bus Station be within the zone detailed in paragraph 4.1.3 in the report. b) That the Sir John Hawkins Way flyover be demolished and the highway along the length of the existing flyover and to the junction of Globe Lane with The Brook be closed to all traffic other than buses and taxis subject to any necessary traffic orders .c) That the masterplan for the Station Gateway be amended to show the Sir John Hawkins Way Site as a development site, capable of accommodating a building or buildings up to 6 stories in height, for a mix of uses, with


Annual Performace Assessment of Social Care Services for Adults in Medway


237/2007 The Cabinet noted the outcome of the Annual Review of Performance for adult social care.


Local Development Framework Annual Monitoring Report and Revised Local Development Scheme


240/2007 The Cabinet agreed that the Annual Monitoring Report be submitted to the Government Office.
241/2007 The Cabinet agreed that, subject to support from the Government Office of the South East as to the overall direction, the Director of Regeneration and Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Development and Economic Growth be delegated authority to submit a revised Local Development Scheme for approval, reflecting the approach set out in paragraphs 3.13 - 3.20 of the report.


Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement 2008/2011


232/2007 The Cabinet noted the provisional settlement as an essential part of the budget setting process for 2008/2009.
233/2007 The Cabinet instructed officers to formulate a detailed response and make all necessary representations to government regarding the settlement.


Print Review Phase 1 - Localised Printing Gateway One Options Appraisal


242/2007 The Cabinet approved the selection of integrated localised print solution Option 3 and sourcing solution Option 2 as set out in the report.
243/2007 The Cabinet approved the procurement of print management software to ensure resilience and the efficient production of print from the most appropriate means.
244/2007 The Cabinet agreed to delegate the award decision at Gateway 3 for the Multi Function Device tender to the Assistant Director of Corporate Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance.
245/2007 The Cabinet noted the planned extension of the KBC Design and Print framework by 12 months to the end of December 2009 and the need for a retender for continuation of service thereafter.