Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 28 November 2006

No. Item


Procurement Strategy


231/2006 The Cabinet recommended to Council the approval of the proposed amended Contract Rules as set out in Appendix 3 of the report, and the amended Financial Limits and Employee Delegation Scheme, as set out in Appendix 4 of the report, and to note the phased implementation of the new process and the subsequent need to operate two sets Contract Rules, Financial Limits and Employee Delegation Scheme - the existing set and the new amended sets - during this period.
232/2006 The Cabinet approved the following:a) The adoption of a risk based Gateway procurement process for all procurements where anticipated contract term value is above £100,000.b) The adoption of a transparent and timely procurement planning process.c) The adoption of the procurement training 'Driving Licence' and associated programme of procurement awareness workshops.d) The need to engage in a work stream to review alternative methods of electronic procurement be noted.


Capital Programme 2007/2008


226/2006 The Cabinet noted the unsupported capital commitments from 2006/2007 as summarised in Table 1 in the report.
227/2006 The Cabinet endorsed the core programme summarised in Table 2 in the report subject to confirmation of capital allocations.
228/2006 The Cabinet agreed to continue to consider the schemes detailed in Table 3 in the report and the additional work referred to in paragraph 4.13 of the report in order to present a complete programme for approval at budget setting.
229/2006 The Cabinet forwarded the provisional draft capital programme to Overview and Scrutiny as work in progress inviting them to offer comments on the proposals outlined.


Capital Budget Monitoring


252/2006 The Cabinet noted: · That the spend and commitments on the approved programme since 1 April 2006 to date amounted to approximately £40.4m; · That the forecast spend during 2006/2007 amounted to £99m; · The virements within the existing programme detailed in section 7 of the report.
253/2006 The Cabinet recommended the proposed additions to the capital programme, described in section 6 to Council on 7 December 2006 for approval.


Recruitment Freeze


254/2006 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process: Children's Services a) Team Leader - School Advisors Support Services. b) Support Services Officer. Community Services c) Joint Commissioning Manager (Learning Disability).


Revenue Budget Monitoring


251/2006 The Cabinet re-enforced the requirement that the budget be adhered to and instruct directors to rigorously enforce both the controls over recruitment to vacant posts and the organisation-wide spending moratorium.


Proposals for the Development of Churchlands


234/2006 The Cabinet recommended to Council to delegate authority to the Director of Finance & Corporate Services (in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Community Services) to finalise the negotiations and enter into the proposed development agreement, lease, care contract and associated documentation for the redevelopment of Churchlands, subject to the Director being satisfied that the transaction represents best consideration and is in accord with the Heads of Terms detailed in the exempt appendix to the report.
235/2006 The Cabinet recommended to Council that subject to the necessary contracts and agreements being in place, to make the Churchlands site available to KCHT on the terms set out in paragraph 3.1 of the exempt appendix to the report.
236/2006 The Cabinet delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to:·Accept the surrender from KCHT of their leases at Churchlands and Lennox Wood ·Vary or release covenants on the garage site adjacent to Thorndyke House to enable development proposals for extra care housing to be progressed by mhs.
237/2006 The Cabinet noted that the Director of Community Services will undertake formal consultation with staff on the proposal to close Shaws Wood as a Council Linked Service Centre.
238/2006 The Cabinet agreed the temporary accommodation of Churchlands residents and KCHT staff in Shaws Wood until the redevelopment of Churchlands is complete, subject to contract, and the outcome of consultations by KCHT.
239/2006 The Cabinet instructed officers to seek a partner who is willing to undertake the development of an extra care housing scheme on the site of Lennox Wood from 2009.


Alcohol Control Zone - Chatham


250/2006 The Cabinet recommended the following to Council on 7 December 2006:
(i) To make a Designated Public Places Order as set out in paragraph 5.1 of the report to create an alcohol control zone in Chatham in the area shown on the attached plan
(ii) To request officers to review the area and effect of the order 12 months following its implementation.


Disability Equality Scheme


233/2006 The Cabinet authorised the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services, to consider the outcome of consultation with the Medway Access Group and amend the disability equality scheme as appropriate for final publication.


Review of Housing Revenue Account Garage Portfolio


240/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the garage site at Woodlands Road shown as 'hatched' on the attached plan at appendix two of the report be declared surplus and disposed of, for potential residential development for social housing schemes; subject to outline planning approval.
241/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the garage site at Denbigh Avenue shown as 'hatched' on the attached plan at appendix two of the report be declared surplus and disposed of, for potential residential development for social housing schemes; subject to outline planning approval.
242/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the garage site at Eastcourt Green shown as 'hatched' on the attached plan at appendix two of the report be declared surplus and disposed of for development purposes.
243/2006 The Cabinet agreed that a detailed feasibility study be commissioned for potential residential development for affordable housing, subject to outline planning approvals, at Beechings Way, Winchester Way, Doddington Road, the Coplins estate, St Albans Close, Denbigh Avenue and Woodlands Road (seven sites in total shown as 'hatched' on the attached plans at appendix two of the report) to be funded from the eventual proceeds of the sale of these sites.
245/2006 The Cabinet agreed that all band three and band four sites are retained (as set out in appendix 1 of the report) and a major refurbishment commences to bring all retained garages up to a sustainable letting standard by 2011.
246/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the sum of £300,000 be ring fenced from the net proceeds from the sale of the garage sites, to be used for the garage refurbishment programme, with any surplus returned to the general capital receipts heading.
247/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Community Services report back upon completion of the feasibility study on the options for disposal of the sites at the Coplins Estate, St Albans Close and Beechings Way.
248/2006 The Cabinet agreed that officers maximise the retention of the capital receipt under the Capital Allowance scheme and report back to Cabinet on the funding made available as a result and proposals for use of this resource to fund housing schemes as illustrated by the Director in the comments at paragraph 11.2 in the report.
249/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Community Services report back on the proposed disposal of any sites where it is determined that a specific application for the Secretary of State's consent is required pursuant to section 32 of the Housing Act 1985.


Local Development Framework: Adoption of Statement of Community Involvement


230/2006 The Cabinet recommended to Council to adopt the Statement of Community Involvement as amended by the Planning Inspectors report, dated 17 October 2006.


Revenue Budget 2007/2008


225/2006 The Cabinet agreed to forward the provisional draft budget to Overview and Scrutiny as work in progress inviting them to offer comments on the proposals outlined.