Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 5 September 2006

No. Item


Disposal of the Former St. Matthew's School Site, Borstal


174/2006 The Cabinet recommended to the Council meeting on 2 November 2006 that the council's land at the St Matthew's site be declared surplus and, subject to the consent of the DfES in relation to the disposal of the open land, disposed of. The Director of Finance and Corporate Services will then be able to use his delegated powers to dispose of the site at best consideration and assess how best to apply the proceeds of the sale to the cost of constructing the new school building.


Medium Term Financial Plan


166/2006 The Cabinet endorsed the underlying aims of the Medium Term Financial Plan as set out in paragraph 4.4 of the report.
167/2006 The Cabinet endorsed the forecast level of overall funding outlined in section 6 of the report.
168/2006 The Cabinet agreed the indicative service control totals and overall budget requirement for 2007/2008 as indicated in table 4 of the report.
169/2006 The Cabinet instructed Portfolio Holders and Directors to identify savings and efficiencies to achieve a balanced budget for 2007/2008.
170/2006 The Cabinet instructed Portfolio Holders and Directors to identify further 'Gershon' savings and efficiencies to produce the £1.5m required for further investment in priorities.


Acceptance of Tenders: Supported Bus Services


178/2006 The Cabinet agreed the award of the school transport contracts as set out in appendix 1 to the exempt report.
179/2006 The Cabinet agreed the award of the public transport contracts as set out as the recommended options in the revised appendix 3 to the exempt report. These new contracts will apply from December 2006, with the exception of the park and ride service which is subject to securing the funding.


Alcohol Control Zone - Chatham


173/2006 The Cabinet agreed that officers initiate formal consultation, including the publishing of all relevant notices and report back, so that consideration of the findings can be made by Cabinet leading to a recommendation to Council as appropriate.


Youth Justice Plan (policy framework)


165/2006 The Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council on 7 September 2006 that the Youth Justice Plan 2006/2007 is agreed and forwarded to the Youth Justice Board for approval.


Recruitment Freeze


177/2006 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:

Chief Executive's
a) Principal Media Officer

Children's Services
b) Contracts Officer
c) Support Services Officer (2 posts)

Finance and Corporate Services
d) Auditor
e) Senior Valuation Officer (part time)
f) Operations Clerk

Regeneration and Development
g) Project Manager (World Heritage Status and Great Lines City Park).


Strood Development Brief


171/2006 The Cabinet agreed to adopt the Strood Riverside Development Brief subject to the changes recommended in appendix 3 as a supplementary planning document to the Medway Local Plan 2003.


Extension of Minor Works Contract


180/2006 The Cabinet agreed that contract rules be waived to enable the contract with Ringway Highway Services to be extended by 10 months from 1 October 2006 on the terms set out in the exempt appendix.
181/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Regeneration and Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services be given delegated authority to agree a revised rate for the cleansing of gullies and soakaways to accurately reflect the increased cost of waste disposal.
182/2006 The Cabinet agreed that the Director of Regeneration and Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services be given delegated authority to agree a contribution towards the costs involved in leasing and modifying the additional depot building for salt storage.


Family and Adolescent Centre


172/2006 The Cabinet endorsed the service proposals for the reorganisation of the Family and Adolescent Centre and the Director of Children's Services proceeding with the reorganisation, as set out in paragraph 4(e) of the report.


Capital Scheme Update - Members' Initiatives


175/2006 The Cabinet noted the allocation of resources and responsibilities as set out in Appendix 1.
176/2006 The Cabinet recommended the proposed addition to the capital programme, as set out in section 5 of the report, to Council on 7 September 2006 for approval.