Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 19 July 2005

No. Item


Acceptance of Tender - Banking


174/2005 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to enter into a contract with Nat West Bank for the provision of the Council's banking services for three years commencing 1 October 2005 with the option to extend the contract for up to 24 months subject to satisfactory performance on the most advantageous terms for the Council.


Capital Budget Monitoring 2005/2006


165/2005 The Cabinet noted: Spend on the approved programme since 1 April 2005 to date amounted to approximately £14 million; Forecast spend during 2005/2006 amounted to £96 million; and the additions to the programme set out in section 7 of the report.
166/2005 The Cabinet recommended to Council the adoption of the schemes set out in section 7 of the report.


Revenue Budget Monitoring 2005/2006


163/2005 The Cabinet noted the current forecast overspend of £812,000 and endorsed the action taken and proposed in achieving this figure.
164/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to continue to achieve savings and income to eliminate the residual overspend and contribute to the shortfall in the corporate savings target.


Recruitment Freeze


172/2005 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:
Education and Leisure
a) Education Welfare Officer
b) Transport and Benefits Officer
c) Senior Transport and Benefits Officer

Health and Community Services
d) Financial Assessment Officer
e) Client Financial Affairs Officer
f) Support Services Assistant (Kingsley House)
g) Contracts Administrator
h) Voluntary Sector Grants and Contracts Manager
i) Research/Development Programme Manager.


Community Centres


170/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to carry out a full options appraisal for the future of community centres, in consultation with interested parties, following the removal of the community centres budget.
171/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to undertake a full consultation (over a reasonable period of time) with the users of the facilities and report the outcome of both the appraisal and the consultation to the committee and to the Cabinet.


Mapping Service Agreement


173/2005 The Cabinet agreed to waive the contract rules in relation to this agreement and authorised the Director for Finance and Corporate Services to enter into the Mapping Services Agreement by 31 July 2005.


Procurement Update


159/2005 The Cabinet noted the progress made on strategic developments within procurement.
160/2005 The Cabinet approved the e-procurement strategy as set out in appendix 1 to the report.
161/2005 The Cabinet approved the concordat with local small and medium size businesses as set out in appendix 2 to the report.


Acceptance of Tenders - Liveability Fund


167/2005 The Cabinet agreed to waive contract rules to allow the Director of Development and Environment to accept tenders for the Liveability Fund work above the current limits set out in the constitution in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Task Force.
168/2005 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Development and Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Task Force, to issue a letter of acceptance to the favoured contractor to enable works to commence on site as soon as possible to enable works to be concluded during the most advantageous summer season. Under the conditions of contract form of tender, the letter of acceptance shall constitute a binding contract, and in accordance with standing orders, a formal contract under seal be entered into with the necessary performance bond.


Kent and Medway Structure Plan


157/2005 The Cabinet deferred consideration of this item to enable discussions to take place with Kent County Council concerning the County Council's proposed change to the overall housing level in the Kent and Medway Structure Plan and a further report be made to the next meeting.


Disposal of Properties, Pier Road, Gillingham


169/2005 The Cabinet declared 8, 10, 12 and 14 Pier Road, Gillingham surplus and delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to dispose of these properties for best consideration once consent to the disposal has been obtained from the Secretary of State.


Youth and Play Service Plan


158/2005 The Cabinet approved the Youth and Play Service Plan.


Acceptance of Tenders - School and Public Transport


175/2005 The Cabinet agreed the Special Educational Needs school transport contracts as set out in the exempt appendix to the report.
176/2005 The Cabinet agreed the following bus service tenders:
DE47/05 - Arriva
DE48/05 - Arriva
DE49/05 - convert to yellow bus - Nu Venture
DE50/05 - convert to yellow bus - Nu Venture.


Pedestrian Footbridge, Stonehorse Lane, Frindsbury


162/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to explore external funding opportunities for this scheme and report back in due course.