Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 17 February 2004

No. Item


Rede Common Doorstep Green


The Cabinet agreed to establish Rede Common as a local nature reserve, subject to the receipt of grant funding from the Countryside Agency set out in paragraph 7.1 of the report.
The Cabinet agreed to the grant conditions including entering into a D


Medway Market Contracts


Please refer to the Record of Decisions for the Cabinet meeting on 17 February 2004.


Rede Common Doorstep Green


The Cabinet agreed to establish Rede Common as a local nature reserve, subject to the receipt of grant funding from the Countryside Agency set out in paragraph 7.1 of the report.
The Cabinet agreed to the grant conditions including entering into a Deed of Covenant to restrict the Council from using the site for any purpose other than open space for use by the local community and that officers continue to negotiate a 25 year period for the covenant.
The Cabinet agreed to enter into a management framework agreement with the Countryside Agency and the


Medway Market Contracts


Please refer to the Record of Decisions for the Cabinet meeting on 17 February 2004.


Best Value: Value for Money Options Report


Please refer to the Record of Decisions for the Cabinet meeting on 17 February 2004


Recruitment Freeze


The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report and on the papers circulated separately, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Education and Leisure
a) Assistant Arts Marketing Manager
Health and Community
b) Supporting People Manager.


Ranscombe Farm


The Cabinet agreed to exercise the option to purchase the Ranscombe Farm site within the current financial year subject to Council approving the addition to the capital programme.
The Cabinet granted delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services in consultation with the Director of Development and Environment and the Portfolio Holders for Front Line Task Force and Finance on the best terms reasonably obtainable to:a) Transfer the Freehold of part of the Ranscombe Farm site to Plantlife (or other party). The extent of the area to be transferred is to be commensurate with the consideration payable to the council.b) Take a long lease of this area back from Plantlife (or other party) and then sublet this area back to it.c) To grant a long lease of the remaining area to Plantlife (or other party).


Area Development Control Committees


The Cabinet approved the principle of replacing the existing East and West Area Development Control committees with a single Development Control committee, with effect from May 2004.
The Cabinet noted that approval will be sought for the necessary changes to the constitution at Council, together with new terms of reference for the single committee.


Capital Monitoring 2003/2004


The Cabinet noted:·Spending on the approved budget amounted to approximately £26.6m;·The completed schemes and the outputs that have resulted (section 5.1 of the report);·The progress of
arger specific schemes contained in section 5.3 of the report;·
The proposed use of capital resources available to fund the programme, as referred to in table 3 of the report.

The Cabinet recommended the proposed addition to the capital programme, summarised in table 2, to Council for approval.


Rochester Riverside - Site Investigation


The Cabinet approved the appointment of Fugro Engineering Services Ltd for the Main Works Site Investigation (Phase II) of Rochester Riverside on the terms set out in the exempt appendix.


Revenue Budget - 2004/2005


The Cabinet noted the outcome of the final finance settlement report as detailed in section 3 of the report.
The Cabinet noted the letters from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister regarding the Cabinet's proposal to increase council tax by 15% set out in section 4 of the report.
The Cabinet agreed that, in light of the dialogue commenced with the Minister of State for Local and Regional Government, to recommend to the Council that· No decision to set the budget or agree any related matter is made on 19 February 2004 except in relation to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA)· The meeting of the Council due for 26 February 2004 is cancelled· A special meeting of the Council is called for a date after 26 February 2004 but on or before 10 March 2004 at which the budget and Council Tax will be set.
The Cabinet noted the list of possible measures, presented by officers, as contained in Appendix E.


Review of Primary School Places: Borstal Area


The Cabinet agreed that further consultation be undertaken on a joint education and recreational/sports proposal based at the new Borstal Playing Field site with a report back to Cabinet to include information on location, community use, access, parking and integrated recreational and sports use.
The Cabinet agreed for an access assessment to be commissioned to inform any necessary planning application.
The Cabinet agreed that the new primary school should become Voluntary Controlled.