Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 5 August 2008

No. Item


Housing Assistance Policy


161/2008 The Cabinet approved the Housing Assistance Policy.


Options Appraisal for Waste Collection Services


166/2008 The Cabinet agreed to the contract payment mechanism for the collection of refuse and recyclable materials from domestic properties being based upon the number of properties in Medway established through the Council Tax database.
167/2008 The Cabinet agreed not to accept garden waste if placed within domestic residual waste but accept only as part of the garden waste collection scheme.
168/2008 The Cabinet agreed to offer a second brown bin for composting garden waste at a cost to be paid by the householder.
169/2008 The Cabinet agreed that all recycling containers become the responsibility of the council to maintain and replace unless it is due to the fault of the collection contractor.
170/2008 The Cabinet agreed to adopt a policy requiring developers to pay for all waste and recycling containers for new residential properties. This may be done under the provisions of Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
171/2008 The Cabinet agreed to the incorporation of separately priced items within the street cleaning contract to cover traffic management and weed control.
172/2008 The Cabinet agreed to continue to obtain recompense from the County for imported household waste and to continue to seek redress over the LATS permits rather than introduce a resident permit system to prevent use of the Council's HWRCs by householders from outside the borough as proposed by White, Young and Green.
173/2008 The Cabinet agreed to continue with the current free bulky waste collection of one free collection every six months.
174/2008 The Cabinet agree to combine the requirements for clinical waste with those of other councils that are interested in a joint arrangement where this is facilitated by the termination dates of their contracts.
175/2008 The Cabinet agreed to deal with refuse, recycling and garden waste collections and street cleaning as an individual contract but that the management of the HWRCs and the collection of clinical waste arrangements be separated to invite maximum interest from bidders specialising in these services.
176/2008 The Cabinet agreed to make provision for the ownership of residual waste and recycling materials collected to be retained by the Council except for certain recycling materials collected at the HWRCs that may help to incentivise the recycling opportunities at these sites.
177/2008 The Cabinet agreed that the duration of the collection contracts continue to be for 7 years with an allowance to extend if and where appropriate by up to a further two years.
178/2008 The Cabinet agreed option 4f as the collection option for the new contract(s) taking account of the comments of the community and value for money based on weekly collection of refuse in a wheeled bin where such bins can be accommodated by the resident, if not by using a sack, a fortnightly collection of garden and kitchen waste in a wheeled bin (kitchen waste being placed in the normal refuse in intermediate weeks) and recycling collected fortnightly in a wheeled bin with glass collected at the same time.


Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Policy


162/2008 The Cabinet agreed the Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) policy and associated standards as set out in appendix 1 to the report.


Strategic Housing Framework


160/2008 The Cabinet approved the Housing Strategy and the suite of Housing sub-strategies subject to the amendments to pages 139 and 150 of the Affordable Housing Sub-Strategy tabled at the meeting and as set out above.


Fundamental Review of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)


163/2008 The Cabinet agreed to implement an improved integrated 24 hour service delivery through one point of access, supported by robust performance management and develop an implementation plan to review all finances and re-commission integrated comprehensive service accountable to the Children's Trust.


Management of Medway Markets - Gateway One Options Appraisal


179/2008 The Cabinet agreed to allow officers to engage in a formal procurement process through a tender competition as set out in option 3 in paragraph 6.2.1 of the report.


Performance Plan Indicators 2007/2008


x/2008 The Cabinet noted the council's performance against annual targets as set out in the report


Various Housing Revenue Account Property Disposals


180/2008 The Cabinet agreed that detailed planning permission be sought for housing on the land at Wollaston Close, Rainham, shown edged black on the plan in Appendix 2 of this report, and that upon determination the land be declared surplus and the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services be given delegated authority to dispose of it at best consideration.
181/2008 The Cabinet agreed that the land adjoining 185 Pump Lane, Twydall shown edged black on the plan in Appendix 2 of this report be declared surplus to enable the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
182/2008 The Cabinet agreed that the land adjoining 35 High Dewar Road, Rainham shown edged black on the plan in Appendix 2 of this report be declared surplus to enable the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
183/2008 The Cabinet agreed that where planning permissions are to be sought prior to a disposal of Housing Revenue Account land, that the cost of commissioning consultants to prepare and make applications shall be funded from the eventual proceeds of sale of HRA land.
184/2008 The Cabinet agreed that detailed planning permission be sought for housing on the former garage site at Woodlands Road, Gillingham shown edged black on the plan in Appendix 2 of this report and that upon determination, the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
185/2008 The Cabinet agreed that the garage site at Denbigh Avenue, Twydall shown edged black on the plan in Appendix 2 of this report be declared surplus and the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
186/2008 The Cabinet agreed that the land at Beechings Way, Twydall shown edged black on the plan in Appendix 2 of this report be retained and further consideration given to development options. If the resources of a consultant are required, the cost to be funded from the eventual proceeds of sale of other garage sites.
187/2008 The Cabinet agreed that the garage site at Winchester Way (east), Gillingham shown edged black on the plan in Appendix 2 of this report be declared surplus and the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
188/2008 The Cabinet agreed that the former garage site at Winchester Way (west) shown edged black on the plan in Appendix 2 of this report be retained in the management of the HRA to provide secure car parking for local residents.
189/2008 The Cabinet agreed that the garages at Winchester Way, Gillingham (railway line site) shown edged black on the plan in Appendix 2 of this report be declared surplus and the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services to dispose of them at best consideration using delegated powers.
190/2008 The Cabinet agreed that negotiations commence to acquire  ...  view the full decision text for item 8.


Rochester Airfield - Renewal of Lease


164/2008 The Cabinet delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, to grant one or more new non-secure leases of the existing Airfield for terms not exceeding 5 years with break clauses, at best consideration.


Recruitment Freeze


165/2008 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable officers to commence the recruitment process: Business Support. a) Media and PR Assistant. b) Learning and Organisational Development Advisor. c) Diversity Officer. Children and Adults Services. d) Client Financial Affairs Officer. e) SSA - Occupational Therapy Service. f) SSA - Adults - Older People. g) SSA - Physical Disabilities Team.