Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 13 December 2005

No. Item


Waste Strategy


284/2005 The Cabinet noted the support from the Environment and Front Line Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 24 November 2005 for the revised recommendations for the Waste Strategy.
285/2005 The Cabinet supported the revised recommendations for the Waste Strategy, set out in paragraph 3 of the report, with the exception of recommendation R2 being amended to read


World Heritage Status for Chatham Historic Dockyard


308/2005 The Cabinet approved, in principle, proceeding with the WHS bid subject to the allocation of resources by the Council and external sources.
309/2005 The Cabinet supported the appointment of a World Heritage Site coordinator and Assistant over a three-year period, once funding is identified.


Fundamental Review of Services to Disabled Children


289/2005 The Cabinet approved the scope for the fundamental review of services to disabled children as set out in the report.


Grant of Right of Way - Marconi Way/City Way, Rochester


314/2005 The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to grant a right of way along Marconi Way to serve the land at the rear of 586 and 588 City Way, on the best terms reasonably obtainable.


Medway Twinning and Cultural Exchanges


310/2005 The Cabinet recommended to Council that an International Twinning Committee (ITC) consisting of Members supported by officers be formed to oversee all twinning matters as set out in paragraph 6.7 and appendix 1 of the report.
311/2005 The Cabinet noted a budget of £10,000 could be transferred to twinning activities from within the Economic Development budget.
312/2005 The Cabinet agreed that further work would go ahead with Foshan with a view to having a formal agreement in place.


Acceptance of Tender: New Rochester Library


315/2005 The Cabinet accepted the tender from King and Johnston for the construction of a new library shell at Rochester Adult Education Centre.


14 - 19 Education Scrutiny Review


296/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers of the Council, and recommended to other educational providers, that the pace of change in taking collaboration forward be increased to deliver further improvements that will demonstrate that Medway has a good model of 14-19 education.
297/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to include the development of 'guidance for all' by providing an in-house service with additional Personal Advisers being appointed where finance allows.
298/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to explore alternative ways of complementing existing Connexions provision.
299/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers, during the forthcoming budget setting process, to explore ways of providing greater support to consortia to deliver 14-19 Education particularly in respect of costs in relation to transport and staffing.
300/2005 The Cabinet recommended that the consortia provide the Council with a list of priority needs they have in order to address the 14-19 Education Action Plan.
301/2005 The Cabinet recommended that all consortia move towards establishing a common timetable preferably for September 2006, and with arrangements to be in place by September 2007 at the latest. In the longer term the interests of Medway students would be best served by Medway wide common timetable.
302/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers, and recommended to all education providers, the greater use of modern technologies, such as video-conferencing, be explored in order to offer opportunities to enhance the curriculum where finance allows.
303/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to work with consortia to ensure that more flexibility be developed in the application of entry requirements and greater clarity be provided for students to assist them to identify appropriate pathways.
304/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers, in light of the unsuccessful vocational centres capital bid to the Department for Education and Skills, to explore alternative sources of funding with the Learning and Skills Council, which will support the development of vocational education in Medway.
305/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to explore how the Council can work with other providers to increase the range of vocational options, particularly at levels one and two. Medway currently has a lack of breadth in this provision which must be urgently addressed.
306/2005 The Cabinet recommended that the Learning and Skills Council consider with the 14-19 Strategic Forum how extra support can be provided to demonstrate their commitment to consortia.


Kent Buying Consortium Print and Design Contract


316/2005 The Cabinet approved the inclusion of the 23 companies, set out in paragraph 4 of the report, who submitted the most economically advantageous tenders, on a select list for the provision of printing and graphic design services, at prices to be agreed at the time of order, when 'Calling off' the KBC Contract.


IEG 5 Statement


307/2005 The Cabinet approved the IEG5 Statement for submission to ODPM by 19 December 2005.


Recruitment Freeze


313/2005 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable the recruitment process to be commenced:
Chief Executive's
a) Senior Research and Review Officer
b) Performance Analyst.


Provisional Local Government Settlement 2006/2007


281/2005 The Cabinet noted the provisional settlement as an essential part of the budget setting process for 2006/07.
282/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to formulate a detailed response, make all necessary representations to government regarding the settlement and to investigate the legality of the clawback element.
283/2005 The Cabinet agreed a deputation is sent to Government concerning the provisional settlement.


Leisure Centre Management Options


290/2005 The Cabinet agreed to keep leisure facilities in-house in the foreseeable future and to reinvest surpluses to improve service provision and customer satisfaction.
291/2005 The Cabinet agreed to consider the structural reports produced by the design team at a future date and consider implications of long term capital investment.
292/2005 The Cabinet agreed to consider the Black Lion Leisure Centre as a separate case in view of the strategic partnership with the universities and opportunities afforded by the 2012 Olympics.
293/2005 The Cabinet agreed to investigate in greater detail the options put forward by the consultants concerning alternative vehicles to manage Medway's Leisure Centres in the future (both including and excluding the Black Lion from the package), specifically considering revenue and future VAT implications, democratic control and long-term capital investment.
294/2005 The Cabinet agreed to refer to the appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee that a working group be established to carry out detailed work looking at future management options (both including and excluding the Black Lion from the package). These should specifically consider revenue, future VAT implications, democratic control and long-term capital investment issues. This may involve visiting other trusts and hybrids. Once Overview and Scrutiny has formulated its views, report to Cabinet with recommendations on the best way forward.
295/2005 The Cabinet agreed that a general review be carried out of the Strand leisure area to identify appropriate opportunities for improving and enhancing the range of facilities available.


Kent and Medway Structure Plan


288/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the further proposed modifications to the Kent & Medway Structure Plan set out in annexes 2 and 3 to the report (as amended by the proposed change to the footnote to Policy HP1 set out in the addendum report), be approved for publication and public consultation.