Decision details

14 - 19 Education Scrutiny Review

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Decision made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report will outline initial findings of the scrutiny review into 14-19 education in Medway.


296/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers of the Council, and recommended to other educational providers, that the pace of change in taking collaboration forward be increased to deliver further improvements that will demonstrate that Medway has a good model of 14-19 education.
297/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to include the development of 'guidance for all' by providing an in-house service with additional Personal Advisers being appointed where finance allows.
298/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to explore alternative ways of complementing existing Connexions provision.
299/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers, during the forthcoming budget setting process, to explore ways of providing greater support to consortia to deliver 14-19 Education particularly in respect of costs in relation to transport and staffing.
300/2005 The Cabinet recommended that the consortia provide the Council with a list of priority needs they have in order to address the 14-19 Education Action Plan.
301/2005 The Cabinet recommended that all consortia move towards establishing a common timetable preferably for September 2006, and with arrangements to be in place by September 2007 at the latest. In the longer term the interests of Medway students would be best served by Medway wide common timetable.
302/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers, and recommended to all education providers, the greater use of modern technologies, such as video-conferencing, be explored in order to offer opportunities to enhance the curriculum where finance allows.
303/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to work with consortia to ensure that more flexibility be developed in the application of entry requirements and greater clarity be provided for students to assist them to identify appropriate pathways.
304/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers, in light of the unsuccessful vocational centres capital bid to the Department for Education and Skills, to explore alternative sources of funding with the Learning and Skills Council, which will support the development of vocational education in Medway.
305/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to explore how the Council can work with other providers to increase the range of vocational options, particularly at levels one and two. Medway currently has a lack of breadth in this provision which must be urgently addressed.
306/2005 The Cabinet recommended that the Learning and Skills Council consider with the 14-19 Strategic Forum how extra support can be provided to demonstrate their commitment to consortia.

Reasons for the decision:

The recommendations of the scrutiny review aim to improve the provision of high quality 14 - 19 education.

Publication date: 13/12/2005

Date of decision: 13/12/2005

Decided at meeting: 13/12/2005 - Cabinet

Effective from: 22/12/2005

Accompanying Documents: