Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 8 November 2005

No. Item


Recruitment Freeze


251/2005 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:
Education and Leisure
a) Governor Services Officer
Health and Community Services
b) SSA Gillingham Children and Families Team
c) SSA Looked After Children Team
d) SSA Youth Offending Team
e) Admin and Finance Officer
Regeneration and Development
f) Emergency Planning Officer (X2).


Civil Partnership Registration and Ceremonies


244/2005 The Cabinet agreed for the Council to provide for the registration of same sex couples as prescribed by the Civil Partnership Act 2004.
245/2005 The Cabinet agreed for the Council to provide ceremonies for same sex couples in association with registration under the Civil Partnership Act 2004.
246/2005 The Cabinet agreed for the Council to charge for registration and ceremonies in accordance with the fees set out in Appendix 1 to the report.


Parliamentary Election Review


249/2005 The Cabinet endorsed the recommendations from Overview and Scrutiny, as set out in appendix 1 to the report, to the Acting Returning Officer/Electoral Registration Officer with the exception of (a), (o), (p), (q) and (y) where Cabinet instructed relevant officers.
250/2005 The Cabinet accepted the comments made by the Acting Returning Officer in paragraph 4.3 of the report in relation to (b) and (x).


The Pilgrim School - A New Site


248/2005 The Cabinet approved a full public consultation on options for a permanent site for The Pilgrim (Voluntary Controlled, Church of England) School.


St. Mary's Primary School, Strood


247/2005 The Cabinet agreed that St. Mary's Primary School would remain open for the foreseeable future.


Acceptance of Tender - Chatham Town Centre Traffic Scheme


252/2005 The Cabinet accepted the tender from Carr Construction on the terms set out in the exempt appendix to the report subject to the approval of funding by the ODPM.
253/2005 The Cabinet authorised the Director of Regeneration and Development to issue a Letter of Intent to Carr Construction to enable detailed programme planning to take place.


Housing Strategy


243/2005 The Cabinet agreed the Housing Strategy 2005/2007, as set out in appendix 1 to the report, for submission to the Government Office for the South East (GOSE).


Grounds Maintenance Contract - New Contract Timetable


254/2005 The Cabinet agreed to support the adoption of a new procurement timetable for grounds maintenance based on a 5 year contract award with an option to extend by 24 months (option 2).
255/2005 The Cabinet agreed to waive contract rules and approved the extension of the existing grounds maintenance contracts to DSO, Turfsoil and KCC for a further 12 months.


Supplementary Planning Document: Planning Contributions