Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 12 April 2005

No. Item


Community Safety Plan - Policy Framework


Economic Development Strategy Review


75/2005 The Cabinet approved the key points of the review for consolidation with successful elements of the Economic Development Strategy into a forthcoming new draft Economic Development Statement and Action/Business Plan.
76/2005 The Cabinet agreed that a report detailing the outcome of consultation on the draft Economic Development Statement and Action/Business Plan be submitted to Cabinet in due course.
77/2005 The Cabinet noted that the Council had been designated as a Beacon Council for support to developing businesses.


School Places for Three Year Olds (Outcome of Consultation)


80/2005 The Cabinet agreed for an impact assessment, including a formal Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) scoping, to be carried out on these proposals to determine their financial, social and educational implications, which will be reported back to Cabinet in due course.


South East Plan


73/2005 The Cabinet agreed the suggested response to the South East Plan attached to the report for submission to the South East England Regional Assembly (SEERA), including the views set out in the addendum report.
74/2005 The Cabinet agreed that copies of the response would also be sent to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and the Thames Gateway Delivery Unit.


Local Development Scheme


97/2005 The Cabinet agreed that the Local Development Scheme, as attached at appendix 1 to the report, comes into effect from 22 April 2005.


Acceptance of Tenders: Schools Capital Building Projects


100/2005 The Cabinet agreed to award the contracts on the terms set out in the exempt appendix for each project as set out below subject to the Council's approval to the revisions to the capital programme for 2005-2006:

Delce Infant School - Crispin & Borst
Featherby Infant School - Coleman and James (Services)
Twydall Junior School - Brett Construction
Warren Wood Primary School - BW May & Son.


School Admissions Arrangements - September 2006


78/2005 The Cabinet agreed:

(i) the co-ordinated admission arrangements for primary schools set out in appendix 1 to the report.

(ii) the co-ordinated secondary arrangements set out in appendix 2 to the report.
79/2005 The Cabinet agreed that a fundamental review of the system of admissions to Secondary Schools be undertaken to ensure fairness for children on the Hoo peninsula and the rest of the area.


Scrutiny Review: Delayed Discharges from Hospital


81/2005 The Cabinet endorsed the findings of the review noting the progress which had been made as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report.
82/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to relocate staff currently sited at the Medway Maritime Hospital to a more appropriate working environment for staff, in the interests of ensuring the health and safety of staff, visiting members of the public and service users, should current negotiations for on-site provision not prove successful.
83/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to ensure the timely implementation of IT systems to improve communication between the hospital and the social services staff.
84/2005 The Cabinet instructed the Assistant Director Social Care to undertake a review of the workloads of Care Managers, identifying the number of staff required to provide even and manageable caseloads and report the findings to a future meeting of the Health and Community Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
85/2005 The Cabinet instructed the Director of Health and Community Services to ensure that a written agreement is drawn up between the Council and the Primary Care Trust to secure continual funding for posts supported by the Trust. The Cabinet instructed officers to pursue a Section 31 agreement as appropriate.
86/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers currently undertaking the Stock Options Appraisal to consider the use of Council owned properties such as current sheltered housing stock which may not meet 'Decent Homes Standard', but may have alternative use in providing a suitable setting for the provision of rehabilitation care services.
87/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to continue to work with universities and other education partners to ensure appropriate training and development routes to encourage the recruitment and retention of staff in adult care services.


Acceptance of Tender: Traffic Signal Maintenance


99/2005 The Cabinet agreed the tender submitted by PEEK on the terms set out in the exempt appendix, for a period of four years from 1 July 2005 extendible by a further three years subject to satisfactory performance, with the level of work through the contract being dictated by the prevailing budget allocations each financial year.


Treasury Management Strategy 2005/2006


88/2005 The Cabinet approved the Treasury Management Strategy.
89/2005 The Cabinet recommend the approval of the detailed Prudential limits to Council as set out in sections 10.5 to 10.14 of the report.


Additions to the Capital Programme 2005/2006


90/2005 The Cabinet noted the report and recommended to Council the new schemes detailed in appendix 1 to the report be included in the capital programme.
91/2005 The Cabinet approved the virement between the HRA and General Fund housing schemes referred to in paragraph 8.1 in the report.
92/2005 The Cabinet agreed, subject to the Council's approval of the new schemes, to formally authorise expenditure against the revised approved programme as set out in appendix 2 to the report.


Budget Monitoring 2004/2005 - Capital


95/2005 The Cabinet noted:

Spend on the approved programme since 1 April 2004 amounting to approximately £41 million.

Forecasting spend during 2004/2005 as a whole amounted to £55 million.

The proposed use of capital resources available to fund the programme, as referred to in table 2 in the report.
96/2005 The Cabinet approved the proposal for prioritising the allocation of Disabled Facilities Grant as set out in appendix 6 to the report.


Budget Monitoring 2004/2005 - Revenue


93/2005 The Cabinet noted the current forecast overspend of £433,000 and endorsed the proposed action taken in achieving this figure.
94/2005 The Cabinet instructed officers to continue to achieve savings to eliminate the residual overspend.


Recruitment Freeze


98/2005 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable Directors to commence the recruitment process:
Education and Leisure
a) Clerical Officer
b) SEN Officer (Case Worker)
c) Leisure Manager
d) PA to Assistant Director
e) Sports Development Officer
Finance and Corporate Services
f) Operations Assistant
g) Officers' Expense Assistant.