Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 14 October 2003

No. Item


Social Services Inspectorate - Annual Review


298/2003 The Cabinet noted the report and the plans for responding to the concerns highlighted.


Land at Compass Close and The Tideway, Rochester


303/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council that Site A, at Compass Close and 98 and 100 The Tideway, Rochester be declared surplus to enable the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to use delegated powers to dispose of them at best consideration and that:

§ Further discussions take place with the interested party as set out in paragraph 3.7 of the report with regard to the proposed usage of the land again subject to best consideration.§ No part of Site B, known as Copperfield Open Space, is to be declared surplus.


Front Line Task Force Asset Computer System


The Cabinet agreed to accept the tender submitted by Southbank Ltd for the provision of the front line task force asset management system, as set out at paragraph 4.8 of the report and authorised the award of the contract.


Recruitment Freeze


297/2003 The Cabinet agreed to unfreeze the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Health and Community Services
a) Client Financial Affairs Officer
b) Health Promotion Specialist - Health and Homelessness Development and Environment
c) Project Officer - Gillingham Park
d) Parking Officer
Development and Environment
e) Caseworker - Special Education Services
f) Transport and Benefits Team Manager


Education in North Gillingham - Progress


295/2003 The Cabinet noted the progress made by the Gillingham Education Action Zone and endorsed the proposals to develop an excellence cluster in Medway.
296/2003 The Cabinet agreed to consider funding the shortfall between current funding of the Education Action Zone and that of the excellence cluster from the 2004/05 financial year onwards and that priority is given to allocating this additional funding for initiatives that enable schools to share knowledge and best practice.


Proposed Private Bill - Enforcement Issues


292/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council to seek a majority decision of all Council Members in sponsoring the bill's passage through the parliamentary process.
293/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council to waive the need for competitive procedures to be followed for the selection of parliamentary agents, in accordance with the provisions of Contract rule 2(b) (i), and recommended the retention of Sharpe Prichard to progress the bill through to Royal Assent.


Land at Courteney Road, Gillingham


302/2003 The Cabinet agreed to grant delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to release or vary the restrictive covenants as set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report.


Cultural Services Best Value Review


290/2003 The Cabinet endorsed the recommendations of the Environment and Front line Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 9 September 2003.
291/2003 The Cabinet confirmed that the following key points should feature in the cultural strategy:§ To develop or procure a high quality central library and resource centre in Chatham, while maintaining and enhancing a network of good local library provision meeting DCMS standards.§ To seek partnerships with external managers or developers to provide new and improved major arts venues in Chatham in the medium to longer term, but in the short to medium term to continue to manage arts venues in-house, maximising the use of creative companies and artistes.§ To develop a five year forward calendar of events, attracting more large scale events where possible.§ To enhance the museum service where this is practical within the Councils resources and introduce a charging policy, particularly in relation to schools.

§ To seek substantial financial support from English Heritage as a condition of the Council's continued management of Rochester Castle.§ To seek practical ways for the Council to invest in the fabric of its arts and leisure venues to improve the quality of customer experiences.


IEG3 Statement


294/2003 The Cabinet approved the IEG 3 Statement for submission to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister by 10 November 2003.


First Point of Contact - Preferred Partner


300/2003 The Cabinet agreed to appoint Deloitte and Touche as preferred partner for the First Point of Contact programme as set out in paragraph 16.1 in the report but giving no commitment to any financial expenditure at this stage.