Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday, 22 July 2003

No. Item


Recruitment Freeze


232/2003 The Cabinet agreed to the following posts, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, to enable directors to commence the recruitment process:
Health and Community Services
a)Information Management Officer
Education and Leisure
b)Active Communities Youth Sports Development Officer (Rural)
c)Sports Volunteer Project Officer (Part Time)
d)ICT Administration Officer
Finance and Corporate Services
e)Two Auditor Posts
f)Senior Policy Officer (Sustainability)
g)Junior Finance Assistant
h)Finance Assistant
i)Assistant Accountant.


Acceptance of Tender: Renewal of Windows


243/2003 The Cabinet agreed to accept the tender from Fineline Windows Ltd on the terms set out in the report for completion between August and October 2003.


Treasury Management Outturn Annual Report


231/2003 The Cabinet noted the content and approved the report.




234/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council on 11 September:(i) That the total estimated expenditure be authorised to enable the remedial action to be undertaken, with the items referred to as contingency being subject to more detailed investigation and costing;(ii) That the maximum funding requirement as set out in the report be met from the available balance on the Splashes reserve.


Variation of Restrictive Covenant, Rochester


244/2003 The Cabinet agreed to vary the restrictive covenant contained in the transfer to allow the land to be developed, on the terms set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report.


Capital Budget Monitoring - May 2003


229/2003 The Cabinet noted the projected outturn and authorised expenditure against this approved programme.
230/2003 The Cabinet recommended to Council the addition of two schemes to the 2003/2004 capital programme: -· Constructing a childcare facility at the Gillingham College site; and· Provision of flexible learning spaces at Upbury Arts College.


Acceptance of Tender: Corporate Building Cleaning Tender


242/2003 The Cabinet accepted the tender submitted by Superclean Services Wothorpe Limited for the provision of corporate building cleaning services on the terms set out in paragraph 11.1 of the report.


Acceptance of Tender: Transport


235/2003 The Cabinet accepted the Home to School Transport tenders - as set out in Appendix A.
236/2003 The Cabinet accepted the Local Bus Routes tenders - as set out in Appendix B.
237/2003 The Cabinet accepted the Home to School Transport (Season Tickets) tenders - as detailed in paragraphs 7.3 to Arriva and 7.4 to ASD Coaches.
238/2003 The Cabinet accepted the Ad-hoc taxi services tender as set out at paragraph 7.14.
239/2003 The Cabinet agreed for officers to negotiate the commencement of the Local Bus Routes from 2 November 2003.
240/2003 The Cabinet agreed to waive competitive tendering contract rule 5, to enable the pilot trial of Yellow Buses to be developed.
241/2003 The Cabinet noted the bus service contract changes which had taken place outside of this tender exercise as set out in Appendix C.


External Audit Plan 2002/2004


227/2003 The Cabinet accepted the scope of work reflected in PricewaterhouseCooper's audit plan.


Revenue Budget Monitoring 2003/2004


228/2003 The Cabinet endorsed the management action summarised in the report, to ensure that expenditure was contained within approved budgets.


Eligibility Criteria


222/2003 The Cabinet accepted the proposed eligibility criteria developed by the inter- agency Eligibility Criteria Steering Group.
223/2003 The Cabinet agreed to the public launch of the revised eligibility criteria in September 2003.


Taxis in Bus Lanes


224/2003 The Cabinet approved the proposed scheme to allow licensed taxis, which meet the agreed identification criteria, to use the bus lane on Chatham Hill and the contra flow bus lane across Sir John Hawkins Flyover on an experimental basis for 12 months.
225/2003 The Cabinet agreed that officers report back in 12 months with the results of the experiment.
226/2003 The Cabinet approved the making of a Traffic Regulation Order under Section 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.


Best Value: Care Management Options Report


217/2003 The Cabinet accepted the findings and agreed the service improvements outlined in part 1 of the options report.
218/2003 The Cabinet agreed to the continued development of a Joint Health and Social Care Learning Disability Team.
219/2003 The Cabinet agreed to the continued work on the future health and social care management arrangements that were necessary to achieve the preferred options outlined in part 2 of the report and supported by the main report.
220/2003 The Cabinet agreed to receive an Improvement Plan covering these areas of work at a future date.
221/2003 The Cabinet noted and welcomed that all improvements together with the changes in staffing structure would be met from existing budgets.


Variation of Restrictive Covenant, Strood


245/2003 The Cabinet agreed to vary the covenant only to permit a broader range of manufacturing, engineering and office development to assist in the retention of employment generating uses on the site.