Meeting attendance

Thursday, 30 January 2025 6.30pm, Business Support and Digital Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   St George's Centre, Pembroke Road, Chatham Maritime, Chatham ME4 4UH

Contact:    Steve Dickens, Democratic Services Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Habib Tejan (Con) Chairperson Present
Councillor Paula Hamilton (Lab) Vice-Chairperson Present
Councillor Linda Bowen (Lab) Committee Member Present
Councillor David Brake (Con) Committee Member Present
Councillor Hazel Browne (Lab) Committee Member Present
Councillor Trevor Clarke (Con) Committee Member Present
Councillor Esther Cook (Lab) Committee Member Apologies, sent representative Substituted by Councillor Joanne Howcroft-Scott
Councillor Gary Hackwell (Con) Committee Member Present
Councillor Mark Jones (Lab) Committee Member Present
Councillor Barry Kemp (Con) Committee Member Present
Councillor Dan McDonald (Lab) Committee Member Present
Councillor Michael Pearce (Ind) Committee Member Present
Councillor Mark Prenter (Lab) Committee Member Present
Samantha Beck-Farley Officer In attendance
Steve Dickens Officer In attendance
Paul Boyd Officer In attendance
Katey Durkin Officer In attendance
Dave Harris Officer In attendance
Phil Watts Officer In attendance
Councillor Joanne Howcroft-Scott (Lab) Substitute Present as substitute Substituted by Councillor Esther Cook
Councillor Zoë Van Dyke (Lab) Portfolio Holder In attendance