Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Capital and Revenue Budget 2025 / 2026'
- Councillor Adam Price - Other conflicts of interest / bias / pre-determination - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) due to their positions as trustees of charities in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Hackwell, Maple, Paterson, Price and Mandaracas.
- Councillor Adrian Gulvin - Disclosable pecuniary interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as they owned more than one property in Medway, either personally or through business / charitable interests. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Browne, Coombs, Gulvin, Hackwell, Hamandishe, Nestorov, Nestorova, Tejan and Mrs Turpin.
- Councillor Alex Paterson - Other Significant Interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) due to their positions as trustees of charities in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Hackwell, Maple, Paterson, Price and Mandaracas.
- Councillor Andrew Lawrence - Other Significant Interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as governors / having positions of management control within schools / academy trusts in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Cook, Field, Joy, Lawrence, McDonald, Nestorov, Peake and Perfect.
- Councillor Chris Spalding - Disclosable pecuniary interests - Declared a DPI in relation to agenda item nos. 7 (Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/2026) and 9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26). This was with regards Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. Councillor Spalding left the room during discussion and determination of item no.7. He remained in the room during discussion of item 9 but did not participate in determination of these items.
- Councillor Dan McDonald - Other Significant Interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as governors / having positions of management control within schools / academy trusts in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Cook, Field, Joy, Lawrence, McDonald, Nestorov, Peake and Perfect.
- Councillor David Brake - Disclosable pecuniary interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as they owned more than one property in Medway, either personally or through business / charitable interests. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Browne, Coombs, Gulvin, Hackwell, Hamandishe, Nestorov, Nestorova, Tejan and Mrs Turpin.
- Councillor David Brake - Other Significant Interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) due to their positions as trustees of charities in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Hackwell, Maple, Paterson, Price and Mandaracas.
- Councillor David Field - Other Significant Interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as governors / having positions of management control within schools / academy trusts in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Cook, Field, Joy, Lawrence, McDonald, Nestorov, Peake and Perfect.
- Councillor Douglas Hamandishe - Disclosable pecuniary interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as they owned more than one property in Medway, either personally or through business / charitable interests. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Browne, Coombs, Gulvin, Hackwell, Hamandishe, Nestorov, Nestorova, Tejan and Mrs Turpin.
- Councillor Eddie Peake - Other Significant Interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as governors / having positions of management control within schools / academy trusts in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Cook, Field, Joy, Lawrence, McDonald, Nestorov, Peake and Perfect.
- Councillor Esther Cook - Other Significant Interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as governors / having positions of management control within schools / academy trusts in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Cook, Field, Joy, Lawrence, McDonald, Nestorov, Peake and Perfect.
- Councillor Gary Hackwell - Disclosable pecuniary interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as they owned more than one property in Medway, either personally or through business / charitable interests. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Browne, Coombs, Gulvin, Hackwell, Hamandishe, Nestorov, Nestorova, Tejan and Mrs Turpin.
- Councillor Gary Hackwell - Other Significant Interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) due to their positions as trustees of charities in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Hackwell, Maple, Paterson, Price and Mandaracas.
- Councillor George Crozer - Other Significant Interests - Councillor Crozer declared an OSI in Agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as he was the Chair of AMAT UK and advised that he had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer.
- Councillor George Perfect - Other Significant Interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as governors / having positions of management control within schools / academy trusts in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Cook, Field, Joy, Lawrence, McDonald, Nestorov, Peake and Perfect.
- Councillor Habib Tejan - Disclosable pecuniary interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as they owned more than one property in Medway, either personally or through business / charitable interests. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Browne, Coombs, Gulvin, Hackwell, Hamandishe, Nestorov, Nestorova, Tejan and Mrs Turpin.
- Councillor Hazel Browne - Disclosable pecuniary interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as they owned more than one property in Medway, either personally or through business / charitable interests. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Browne, Coombs, Gulvin, Hackwell, Hamandishe, Nestorov, Nestorova, Tejan and Mrs Turpin.
- Councillor Jim Gilbourne - Other Significant Interests - Councillor Gilbourne declared an OSI in Agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as he and his wife were allotment holders at Chapel Lane allotments and advised that he had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer.
- Councillor Lia Mandaracas - Other Significant Interests - Councillor Mandaracas declared an interest in relation to agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as she is a Council tenant. A dispensation had been granted by the Monitoring Officer.
- Councillor Lia Mandaracas - Other Significant Interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) due to their positions as trustees of charities in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Hackwell, Maple, Paterson, Price and Mandaracas.
- Councillor Liubov Nestorova - Disclosable pecuniary interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as they owned more than one property in Medway, either personally or through business / charitable interests. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Browne, Coombs, Gulvin, Hackwell, Hamandishe, Nestorov, Nestorova, Tejan and Mrs Turpin.
- Councillor Marian Nestorov - Other Significant Interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as governors / having positions of management control within schools / academy trusts in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Cook, Field, Joy, Lawrence, McDonald, Nestorov, Peake and Perfect.
- Councillor Marian Nestorov - Disclosable pecuniary interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as they owned more than one property in Medway, either personally or through business / charitable interests. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Browne, Coombs, Gulvin, Hackwell, Hamandishe, Nestorov, Nestorova, Tejan and Mrs Turpin.
- Councillor Mark Joy - Other Significant Interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as governors / having positions of management control within schools / academy trusts in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Cook, Field, Joy, Lawrence, McDonald, Nestorov, Peake and Perfect.
- Councillor Mrs Elizabeth Turpin - Disclosable pecuniary interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as they owned more than one property in Medway, either personally or through business / charitable interests. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Browne, Coombs, Gulvin, Hackwell, Hamandishe, Nestorov, Nestorova, Tejan and Mrs Turpin.
- Councillor Tracy Coombs - Disclosable pecuniary interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) as they owned more than one property in Medway, either personally or through business / charitable interests. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Browne, Coombs, Gulvin, Hackwell, Hamandishe, Nestorov, Nestorova, Tejan and Mrs Turpin.
- Councillor Vince Maple - Other Significant Interests - The following Members declared interests in agenda item No.9 (Capital and Revenue Budget 2025/26) due to their positions as trustees of charities in Medway. These Members had been granted a dispensation by the Monitoring Officer: Councillors Brake, Hackwell, Maple, Paterson, Price and Mandaracas.