Agenda item

Council Plan 2013/14 Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring

This report summarises the performance of the Council’s Key Measures of

Success for July – September (Quarter 2) 2013/14 as set out in The Council Plan 2013/15.




The Director of Children and Adults Services presented this report, summarising performance against the Council’s priority that children and young people have the best start in life in Medway. She informed the Committee that half of the key measures of success where the authority sets targets, which were reported on a quarterly basis, were achieving target, which was an improvement; and she was confident that the trend towards further improvement would continue.


She advised that there were 10 out of 26 key measures below target but that the Directorate was continuing to focus on and embed a performance culture. She commended the work being done by Medway Action for Families which was continuing to meet national targets and was being seen as an area of good practice in both its strategic vision and operational implementation, working with over 360 families in challenging circumstances. She stated that Medway were one of 20 local authorities out of 155 local authorities to hit year 1 targets and received payment by results of 60% compared to 15% nationally.


She pointed out that of the targets which were not being met, the target relating to children on child protection plans related to 13 children and that as the number was relatively small any increase had a considerable affect on the percentage change. She also advised that the local authority was additionally reviewing all children on child protection plans at the 15 month stage to establish whether support should be increased or whether it could be stepped down. Furthermore the target relating to the average time between a child entering care and moving in with an adoptive family was set nationally and was particularly challenging as the timeframes are dependent upon complex factors such as court schedules, Children & Families Courts Advisory & Support Service (CAFCAS) processes and recruitment of suitable adoptive parents. Finally she pointed out that the target on care leavers in education, employment or training involved collaborative working and that as a result of successful partnership work, the indicator was showing an upward trend.


Members then made a number of comments and asked officers questions which included:

  • Seeking clarification that the work being done as part of Medway’s Action For Families programme was having a positive long term affect in supporting these families in becoming independent and not being reliant on public sector services in the future.


  • Members stressed that the programme needs to ensure value for money and that the families that are engaged on the programme should demonstrate their ongoing commitment to the changes required. Officers advised that the programme was a payment by results model that ensured that these changes were evidenced.


  • Members questioned the target relating to the average time between a child entering care and moving in with an adoptive family and were advised by officers that this was currently 26 weeks.


  • Members commented on the target relating to children leaving care and welcomed the changes in legislation relating to support for care leavers up to the age of 25, but recognised that there would be funding implications for Medway. Officers advised that the ‘Staying Put’ programme in Medway had supported young care leavers but confirmed that the financial burden of the legislative change did fall upon local authorities.




The Committee noted the report.

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