Agenda item

Council Plan Performance Monitoring Report and Strategic Risk Summary Quarter 4 2022/23

Medway’s Council Plan 2022/23 sets out the Council’s three priorities and the measures used to monitor performance. This report and appendices summarise how we performed in Q4 2022/23 on the delivery of these priorities and the actions we are taking to improve performance.


This report also presents the Q4 2022/23 review of strategic risks (Appendix 3).




The Committee received a report setting out performance for Quarter 4 against the Council's two priorities Place and Growth insofar as they fell within the remit of this Committee, along with a review of the Council’s Risk Register.


The following issues were discussed:


Citizens’ Panel – In relation to the indicator showing satisfaction with parks and green spaces, Members commented on the composition and number of residents on the Citizens Panel. A Member said that it would also be useful to have a breakdown of the data by ward Officers responded to explain that the Citizens’ Panel is a standing group of individual residents in Medway, which could be used to gain feedback on particular issues and used a well-established methodology. It was suggested that a Briefing Note could be provided to set out further details.


Street and environmental cleanliness – A Member questioned the green rating of this indictor in view of the littered streets they had seen and asked how this indictor is measured. Officers explained that the process for monitoring cleanliness of streets was consistent with the national approach and was a snapshot. An offer was made to show Members the methodology used in further detail. Officers also explained that there could be a number of contributing factors that impacted on street cleanliness but that if Members reported areas of concern including any particular patterns of litter, then officers would look at these. Members acknowledged the role that they and residents could play in reporting any arears of concern to Front Line Services.


In response to a question regarding the timing of refuse collections and road sweeping and whether this aligned, officers responded to confirm that it generally did but they would look at the sequencing of road sweeping and refuse collections in more detail.


Fly tipping and dog fouling enforcement – It was asked why  a low number of Fixed penalty Notices had been issued for dog fouling.  Officers explained that it was very difficult to enforce as offenders must be caught in the act. A Member also suggested it would be useful to see the number of fly tipping incidents reported as well as sanctions used.


S106 funded park improvements at the Esplanade and Jacksons Field – The reason for the delay in receipt of the S106 payment was queried.


Safe Spaces Scheme – It was suggested that this should be expanded to the night-time economy and officers confirmed they are looking to expand this going forward.


Anti-idling project – In response to a question about why Rainham was chosen for the project officers would provide the rationale for this.


Number of jobs created and safeguarded – Officers were requested to provide data on the quality, sustainability, full time equivalent and levels of pay in relation to the Number of Jobs Created and Safeguarded (Cumulative) performance indicator.  


Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) – The potential withdrawal of the HIF funding was discussed, and officers clarified that no final decision had yet been taken by the Government. Representations were being made to Homes England and the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities to seek support for the funding not to be withdrawn. 


Priority Play Programme – Context was provided regarding the allocation of £250k. In response to a query, it was explained that this was the absolute minimum needed to keep playgrounds open and safe and provided good value for money.


Getting around Medway – In response to a request for additional information on the average journey time along 5 routes across Medway measure, a briefing note on the metrics used and the 5 routes would be provided.


Bus Service Improvement Plan – Officers would provide a briefing note updating on progress in response to a request from a Member.


Performance indicators, definitions and format - With regards to the indicators included in the report, the opportunity to reframe the Council Plan was available to the new administration.  The difference between short term and long-term trends was clarified for Members. A Member also requested a one-page summary collating all the relevant performance indicator codes for ease of reference.



The Committee:


a)    Noted the Q4 2022/23 performance against the measures used to monitor progress against the Council’s priorities and considered the Strategic Risk Summary.


b)    Requested a briefing note on the Citizens Panel including a breakdown of the satisfaction data for parks and open spaces by ward.


c)    Requested that the sequencing of road sweeping and refuse collection schedules be looked at in more detail.


d)    Asked to receive a breakdown of data on the number of fly tipping prosecutions.


e)    Requested an update on the reason for the delay in receiving the S106 Funded Park Improvements funding relating to The Esplanade and Jacksons Field.


f)      Asked to receive the rationale for the selection of the location for the anti-idling project.


g)    Requested data on the quality and sustainability of the jobs created in relation to the Number of Jobs Created and Safeguarded (Cumulative) performance indicator.


h)    Requested a briefing note on progress regarding the Bus Service Improvement Plan and further information on the metrics and 5 routes used for the ‘Getting around Medway’ performance indicators.


i)      Requested a one-page summary collating all of the relevant performance indicators codes.



Supporting documents: