An addendum report is attached.
The Capital Projects Manager introduced the report and advised that the previously proposed scheme was no longer suitable due to traffic growth in the area. Due to the abandonment of the scheme, most of the land was now surplus to requirements with the remainder being held for a possible small scale road improvement and new library site. Members were reminded that an addendum report set out updated recommendations on page 73 of the supplementary agenda.
Members discussed the areas shown on a map on page 150 of the agenda and gave details of a previous discussion about congestion in Strood and Rochester that had taken place at a scoping meeting for the new Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3). Members observed that as a 12 week public consultation on the LTP3 had only just begun, it would be premature to declare area 2 of the plan surplus to requirements as the LTP3 discussion had included a suggestion of a bus/pedestrian link route through that area.
Officers responded that the modelling of a bus lane in area 2 would be very difficult and there would definitely be design issues.
The committee agreed to recommend to Cabinet that the Strood
Environmental Enhancement Scheme is abandoned;
(b) Subject to (a) above, the committee recommends that Cabinet agrees that:-
(i) the land at Station Road Strood as edged black and numbered 1 on the plan attached to this report, be declared surplus to enable the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
(ii) the site of 16/20 North Street Strood Street as edged black and numbered 2 on the plan attached to this report be declared surplus to enable the Assistant Director of Housing & Corporate Services in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
(iii) the site of 31-35 North Street and the site of 4-18 at Edward Street Stroodas edged black and numbered 3 on the plan attached to this report be declared surplus to enable the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder to dispose of them at best consideration using delegated powers.
(iv) 37-39 North Street and land rear of 39 North Street as edged black and numbered 4 on the plan attached to this report be declared surplus to enable the Assistant Director of Housing & Corporate Services in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
(v) land in Commercial Road Strood as edged black and numbered 5 on the plan attached to this report be declared surplus to enable the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
(vi) the Commercial Road car park as edged black and numbered 6 on the plan attached to this report be declared surplus to enable the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services in consultation with the Finance Portfolio Holder to dispose of it at best consideration using delegated powers.
Supporting documents: