Vicki Emrit
6.1 Solar Together PV Group Buying Scheme
6.2 Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy
6.3 Action Plan Schedule
6.4 Urban Tree Challenge Fund
6.1 Officers presented an update on the Kent and Medway Solar Together PV Group Buying Scheme. 4025 households registered, 381 from Medway.
6.2 The Chair recognised that this was a good uptake and queried if the scheme would be rolled out again. Officers advised that no future schemes were available at present and confirmed that case studies would be pursued for communications and to encourage take up of any future schemes. ACTION: Officers to provide case studies of participants who have saved through the scheme.
6.3 The Chair noted Cllr Maple’s request to understand the factors that may lead to a resident declining the installation offer, for example cost or inconvenience. ACTION: Officers responded that this will be investigated after the offer deadline of 11 December 2020 passes and will be reported back to the group once information is available.
6.4 Officers provided an update on the passing of the Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy (KMELES) through Overview and Scrutiny on 03 December 2020 leading to its presentation to Cabinet on 12 January 2021.
6.5 The Chair recognised the importance of working in partnership with colleagues and authorities across Kent. Officers noted the importance of working with as many partners as possible to respond to Medway’s Climate Change Emergency.
6.6 Cllr Curry referenced the Kent 2050: Road to Net Zero Conference, at which the KMELES was launched. Cllr Curry queried whether there may be potential to accelerate the net zero carbon target date of 2050, as set out in the KMELES, further to recent announcement of government policies and support for advances in domestic heating technology and electric vehicles. The group noted that this will be subject to sufficient resources although the target date will be reviewed as work progresses. ACTION: Officers advised that a link to the recording of the conference would be distributed to the group as soon as available
6.7 Officers provided an update on the Action Plan Schedule. Baseline reporting figures are in the process of being updated with latest available 2019 data and are expected to be finalised by January 2021. The baseline report and draft action plan will be discussed with the group in Spring.
6.8 Officers provided an update on the successful Urban Tree Challenge Fund (UTCF) bid. Medway Council has received a grant from the Forestry Commission to plant 13,842 trees across 10 sites in Medway. This will be undertaken by volunteers in partnership with officers from Medway Norse and Medway Council in May 2021.
6.9 The Chair congratulated all involved in securing this incredible number of trees for Medway and recognised the contribution of volunteers and Cllr Curry in driving the scheme onwards.
6.10 Cllr Curry advised how planting would be undertaken and that although the second lockdown prevented planting starting on National Tree Week, it has been rescheduled for early in the new year. It is proposed that a year on year planting programme at scale is taken forward, subject to Forestry Commission funding, as part of a new Medway Tree Week. There are also plans to get involved in Countryfile’s Plant Britain project, which aims to plant 750,000 trees across Britain (one for every child in the UK starting primary school). ACTION: Communications team to publicise planting and explore possibility of Medway Tree Week.
6.11 Cllr Curry noted a successful 3-week citizen science exercise, run by Greenspaces Development, to map tree canopy coverage in Medway. Results suggested a 20% canopy coverage figure. Cllr Curry advised the Chair, with caveats, that this is slightly higher than average in the South East and noted that a 30% coverage rate would lead to greater biodiversity and sustainability benefits.
6.12 Cllr Thompson questioned why Jacksons Field was removed from the UTCF bid. Officers advised this was removed by Historic England as it is listed as a Scheduled Ancient Monument.
6.13 Cllr Maple noted that community involvement in the planting, whilst observing social distancing rules, would give rise to greater community ownership of the trees and afford them protection.
6.14 Cllr Gulvin queried possible investment opportunities to plant specialist native trees as with Fort Amherst planting walnut trees for harvest. ACTION: The Chair requested that this is looked at in future, with the priority being increasing tree stock for now.
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