Agenda item

NHS Long Term Plan Update

The report provides an update to Joint Board Members on the NHS Long Term Plan that was published in January 2019. This report will be accompanied by a presentation.





The Programme Director, Long Term Plan, provided the Joint Board with an overview of the NHS Long Term Plan and the response required from the Kent and Medway Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP). The report was accompanied by a presentation.


It was noted that the NHS Long Term Plan aligned with the existing focus areas of the Kent and Medway STP and was considered to be a framework for bringing together the existing workstream areas. 


The key messages of significant note from a system perspective were drawn to the attention of the Joint Board. These included: 

·         All systems to become Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) by 2021;

·         An increased ‘duty to collaborate’ and greater integration between the NHS and local authorities covering social care, prevention, population health and public health;

·         Development of a system oversight approach i.e. the Integrated Care System would be overseen and regulated as a system as well as individual organisations. It was noted that there would be an integration index which would reflect public opinion as to whether services feel joined up, personalised and anticipatory;


It was explained that in response to the NHS Long Term Plan, the STP was required to develop and implement its own Five Year Plan. This would be a continuation of work that had already been undertaken by the Partnership and whilst there was, currently, no template for these Plans, the STP would set out how it would deliver against all of the NHS Long Term Plan themes. It was explained that the NHS Long Term Plan also required the STP to refresh its strategic planning for the five year period, including development of five year financials for the system from 2019/20 to 2023/24 and five year system priorities in terms of system and care transformation.


At present the workstream leads were undertaking a diagnostic assessment of the extent to which each STP workstream/programme was aligned with the NHS Long Term Plan content and whether any further actions or initiatives were required. The headline findings from this assessments would be shared with a number of forums including the STP Clinical and Professional Board, Programme Board and the Joint Board as required.


It was noted that there were a number of existing strands of work which would support the STPs’ response to the NHS Long Term Plan, including refreshing the Kent and Medway Case for Change, the Kent and Medway outcomes dashboard and creation of two new strategies, the Primary Care Strategy and Children’s Strategy.


In response to a question concerning how Healthwatch could assist with contributing the public voice to the way forward and assist with public engagement, the Joint Board was advised that a Communications and Engagement Strategy and Plan would be developed in collaboration with Healthwatch and other partners between now and autumn when the Five Year Plan would be published. It was added that initial thoughts were that engagement should focus on some of the themes identified in the NHS Long Term Plan and it was considered that there were exciting opportunities to engage on topics such as primary care, children’s services and metal health.


A Member highlighted to the Joint Board that there were circa. 500 expectations/performance outcomes/targets set out in the NHS Long Term Plan spanning the 2, 5, and 10 year period. Referring to past experience, he cautioned that achieving these expectations might result in a need for spending which exceeded annual 3.4% budget uplift.




The Kent and Medway Joint Health and Wellbeing Board noted the update on the NHS Long Term Plan. 

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