Agenda item

Council Plan Performance Monitoring Report Quarter 1 2018/19

This report summarises how the Council performed in quarter 1 2018/19 on the delivery of the two priorities relevant for this Committee: ‘Medway: a place to be proud of’ and ‘Maximising regeneration and economic growth’.




The Committee received a report setting out performance in Quarter 1 2018/19 for the key measures of success and projects relevant to this Committee.


The following was discussed:


·         Delivering new homes - Removal of the Housing Revenue Borrowing Cap


A Member referred a letter sent by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government to local authorities setting out proposals for the removal of the Housing Revenue Borrowing Cap. This was welcome news and would enable Local Authorities to build houses.


The Director Regeneration, Culture, Environment and Transformation and Deputy Chief Executive confirmed receipt of the letter and advised that at this stage, the Government was sharing with local authorities the process that it planned to follow for the removal of the Housing Revenue Borrowing Cap.


He advised that this would enable the Council to continue its new build programme. He referred to the development at Centenary Gardens which included the largest local authority new build bungalow development in the Country and he suggested that if any Member had not had an opportunity to visit Centenary Gardens, a site visit could be arranged.


·         Cultural Programme - Chatham Intra


A Member referred to Chatham Intra and spoke positively about the development of a creative quarter along the Lower High Street from Star Hill to Sun Pier.


In response, the Director Regeneration, Culture, Environment and Transformation and Deputy Chief Executive advised upon work undertaken to develop a creative quarter in this part of Chatham, building on the existing creative companies resident there and attracting new businesses and restaurants.


He advised that there was consideration as to whether Medway should make a future bid for City of Culture status, and if such a bid was to be progressed, the creative quarter and Chatham Intra would form an important part of the bid.


·         Public Realm and Street Scene - Draft Masterplan for the Esplanade and Jackson’s Recreation Ground


In response to a request for clarification, the Director Regeneration, Culture, Environment and Transformation and Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that Victoria Gardens formed part of the Jackson’s Recreation Ground landscape masterplan and he agreed to provide details of the Masterplan in a briefing note to all Members of the Committee.


·         Chatham Intra – Concerns regarding the future of Anchorage House


A Member referring to Chatham Intra, expressed concerns regarding the future of Anchorage House and sought an update from officers.


·         Community Clean-ups


A Member sought clarification as to whether the reference to 17 Community Clean-ups on page 66 of the agenda included other clean-ups undertaken by scouting organisations and local businesses, such as McDonalds.


In response, the Head of Business Intelligence confirmed this was not the totality of clean-ups and drew attention to the additional, more detailed text on page 68 of the report which referred to 17 community clean-ups and a number of clean-ups by the Payback Team.


·         Gateway 1 report – Proposed outsourcing of street scene activity


A Member referred to page 68 of the agenda and in particular referred to the Gateway 1 report scheduled to be considered by Cabinet on 23 October 2018 concerning the future provision of Street Scene Enforcement Agent Services. He expressed concern as to a neighbouring local authority’s experiences with the private sector and fine enforcement.


He also questioned whether this would have an impact upon the Council’s Community Wardens.


He suggested that this Committee should undertake pre-decision scrutiny of this contract before any tender is let if timescales permitted this.


The Assistant Director Front Line Services advised upon the proposed  Gateway 1 contract and confirmed that this contract would be an enhancement to the work of the Community Wardens. She explained that Community Wardens did not undertake enforcement or issue Fixed Penalty Notices. She also confirmed that the Council would continue to undertake enforcement relating to flytipping.


If the scheme progressed to procurement, there would be a need for a clear contract specification and contract management.


A Member suggested that income from fine enforcement should be retained and re-invested in local services and that if this contract was to be let to an outside organisation, consideration be given to engaging a local company. The Assistant Director Front Line Services confirmed that officers would look at the possible use of local companies.


A Member requested that the Committee’s appreciation be extended to the Community Wardens for the work that they undertake.


·         Chatham Railway Station


A Member referred to the regeneration work in Chatham Town Centre and expressed concern that Network Rail no longer planned to deliver the original planned improvements at Chatham Railway Station.


The Director Regeneration, Culture, Environment and Transformation and Deputy Chief Executive advised that this had been discussed at the Chatham Regeneration Board and officers were now engaged in ongoing discussions with Network Rail. He advised that there was a further funding stream available and officers were working with Network Rail with a view to accessing additional funding via this source.


·         Performance target setting


In response to a question as to the level of targets set for performance monitoring, the Head of Business Intelligence confirmed that the Council Plan targets had been approved by the Council when the Plan was refreshed in February 2018.


·         NI 195a – Improved street and environmental cleanliness: Litter


A Member referred to NI 195a and sought clarification as to whether the figures provided were correct.


In response, the Head of Business Intelligence confirmed that a detailed Briefing Note on this issue had been circulated on 21 February 2018 and was available on the Council’s website.


·         Flytipping – Heat map


A Member requested that the Committee be provided with a heat map identifying locations of incidents of flytipping in Medway. He referred to the introduction of charging by Kent County Council and stated that a heat map would help to identify if this action had had an impact on flytipping in areas of Medway close to the boundary.


The Head of Business Intelligence advised that data on flytipping would be available in the next few months and heat maps could be provided to Members to help indicate problem areas.


A Member referred to the cost to the Council of clearing flytipping and suggested that if the Council removed the charge for collecting bulky waste, the level of flytipping would be reduced, thus reducing the overall cost to the Council. He expressed concern that those individuals who were paying for the collection of bulky waste were, in effect paying twice if the Council was incurring costs to clear waste that had been flytipped.


·         NI 167 Average journey time along 5 routes across Medway Congestion hotspots – update


A Member referred to the Medway City Estate and sought information as to the date for provision of transport improvements at the roundabout at Medway City Estate.


The Head of Business Intelligence advised that the Council had recently undertaken an extensive consultation and engagement exercise and recommendations arising from this would be submitted to a Project Board for consideration. An update could be provided at a future date.


The Assistant Director Front Line Services also informed the Committee that works were in hand to install automated traffic signals at the entrance to Medway Tunnel following the success of the pilot scheme. The pilot scheme had reduced the congestion for vehicles exiting the Medway City Estate in peak hours.


·         Benchmarking and use of the Citizen’s Panel


A Member referred to benchmarking and the use of the Citizen’s Panel to assess satisfaction levels and sought information as to why different sources were used to gauge satisfaction levels. He also requested information as to how the Citizen’s Panel is formed.


The Head of Business Intelligence advised that the measures and targets set out within the Council Plan had been agreed by the Council in February 2018.


She explained that performance data was collated through a range of different sources including contract management, the National Highway Transport Surveys, Focus Groups and the Citizen’s Panel.


The Citizen’s Panel comprised local residents and the Council was currently in the process of recruiting to the Panel. As part of this recruitment campaign, officers would be seeking the assistance of Ward Councillors in encouraging individuals to join the Panel from their Wards.


·         Chatham Bus Station – Cigarette bins


In response to a question, the Assistant Director Front Line Services advised that cigarette bins were now in place at Chatham Bus Station. She advised that the bins were an innovative design encouraging individuals to answer a question by placing their cigarettes in a certain part of the bin.


The Assistant Director Front Line Service also informed the Committee that officers had worked with Arriva and other bus providers in encouraging their staff to dispose of their cigarette butts responsibly. In addition, the Council had worked with their staff to help them give up smoking.


A Member requested more information on the Litter Innovation Fund  and the Assistant Director Front Line Services agreed to provide this information direct to the Member concerned.


·         Chatham Public Realm


A Member requested the completion date for the works to the public realm in Chatham Town Centre.


The Director Regeneration, Culture, Environment and Transformation and Deputy Chief Executive advised that it was hoped that the works would be completed before Christmas but officers were mindful that works should not affect the Christmas trade.


·         Chatham Regeneration – The Brook Car Park


A Member expressed concern as to the condition of The Brook Car Park in Chatham and sought information as to the future of the site.


In response, the Director Regeneration, Culture, Environment and Transformation and Deputy Chief Executive advised that officers were in discussion with the owners of The Pentagon concerning the car park.




The Committee:


a)            noted that the Director Regeneration, Culture, Environment and Transformation and Deputy Chief Executive has offered Members a visit to Centenary Gardens should they wish to view this development;

b)            noted that that Victoria Gardens forms part of the Jackson’s Recreation Ground landscape masterplan and that a Briefing Note on the Masterplan will be sent to all Members of the Committee;

c)            noted that when the latest flytipping information is next circulated to Members, such information will include a heat map setting out flytipping hotspots;

d)            noted that a further update on measures to improve journey times at the Medway City Estate will be included in the Quarter 3 Performance Monitoring Report;

e)            requested that the Committee’s appreciation be extended to the Community Wardens for the work that they undertake within the community and also to the Manager and staff at McDonalds for their work in ensuring that the streets around their premises are kept litter free;

f)             noted that discussion will take place between the Member concerned and officers concerning Anchorage House;

g)            noted that the Assistant Director Front Line Services will provide information to the Member direct on the Litter Innovation Fund.

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