Agenda item

Work programme

This item advises Members of the current work programme and allows the Committee to adjust it in the light of latest priorities, issues and circumstances. It gives Members the opportunity to shape and direct the Committee’s activities over the year.




The Democratic Services Officer introduced the report which advised the Committee of the current work programme along with a number of suggested changes and additions to it.


Members then raised a number of comments and questions, which included:


·         Procurement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) Transport – A Member raised concern about this issue listed on the Cabinet Forward Plan.  Reference was made to an email that had been sent to Councillors from the Medway Parent and Carers Forum which had raised concerns relating to the implementation of changes to SEN Transport, following approval of the policy by the Cabinet in April 2018.  A Member raised concern about the time difficulties, with some families being unclear about what their home to school transport arrangements would be from September.  The Director of Children and Adults explained that the implementation of the new policy and the changes it brought was a difficult process and that he, along with the Interim Assistant Director – Commissioning, Business and Intelligence, would be meeting with the co-chairs of the Medway PCF to discuss the issues and he assured Members officers were very mindful of the timescales.


·         Appearance of the Portfolio Holders – A Member suggested that the appearance of the Portfolio Holder for Children Services (Lead Member) and the Portfolio Holder for Educational Attainment and Improvement be brought forward for when provisional schools performance data was available.  The Democratic Services officer explained that the appearance of both Portfolio Holders was currently aligned to when the Committee receives the Annual School Performance report.  She added that officers were investigating the possibility of bringing this forward but explained the difficulty in timing due to when the Department for Education publish validated data.


·         Medway Test Audit briefing note – in response to a query the Democratic Services Officer confirmed this briefing note was being drafted and would be circulated shortly.


·         Scrutiny of Transformation – in relation to the suggestion from the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee that each Committee receive an update on the transformation programme, as it relates to the relevant terms of reference, a Member supported this and suggested that a demonstration of the MoMo app be brought as part of that item, rather than separately as originally planned.


·         Youth Police Advisory Group – a member suggested that the Committee receive information about the Group and what it does and it was suggested that this be discussed at the next agenda planning meeting of the Committee.




1)    The Committee agreed the work programme as set out at Appendix 1 to the report, subject to the following changes:


a)     A report on Early Help and Targeted Services to be scheduled for the October meeting which will address Children and Family Hubs, Youth Offending Team, Youth Service, children not in education, employment or training (NEETS) and Troubled Families and that the items relating to Sure Start and the Integrated Youth Support Service, currently listed as date to be determined be deleted.


b)     A report on the progress of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Improvement Plan to be scheduled for the October meeting and therefore removed from the ‘date to be determined’ list.


c)      A report on Aut Even and the transfer of services to Parklands to be scheduled for the December meeting and therefore removed from the ‘date to be determined’ list.


d)     An update report on Tackling Racism in Medway to be scheduled for the January meeting and therefore removed from the ‘date to be determined’ list.


e)     An update report on the NHS England Commissioned Childhood Immunisation Programme in Medway to be scheduled for the January meeting and therefore removed from the ‘date to be determined’ list.


f)       A demonstration of the Mind of My Own (MoMO) app to be provided 15 minutes before the start of a future meeting, date yet to be set.


g)     A presentation by Youth Mentors in the Fostering Service to be delivered to the Corporate Parenting Group and therefore removed from the ‘date to be determined’ list.


h)     A report on the outcome of the Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI) and Statement of Action to be scheduled for the December meeting.


i)       An update on the Children and Young People Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service to be added to the work programme, date to be determined.


j)       A presentation by the Medway Children and Young People Council on the anti-stigma campaign to be added to the work programme, date to be determined.


2)    The Committee noted the recommendation from the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee and agreed to consider whether to schedule an update on the transformation programme at the next agenda planning meeting.

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