Agenda item

Supporting People at Home - Intermediate Care and Reablement Strategy




This report provided details of the joint Intermediate Care and Reablement Strategy between the Council and NHS Medway Clinical Commissioning Group (Medway CCG). This Strategy set out how Medway intended to commission and redesign Intermediate Care and Reablement Services to meet the needs of Medway residents. It outlined the principles that would guide development and implementation of the strategic direction and also set out aims and objectives, and plans for delivery.


A set of high level aims had been developed that described what the Intermediate Care Model would deliver for Medway. These aims aligned closely with the Department of Health guidance ‘Intermediate Care - Half Way Home’:


·           Support people at home where safe to do so

·           Maximise independent living

·           Promote faster recovery from illness

·           Minimise admissions to Long Term Residential Care

·           Facilitate a timely discharge from hospital

·           Provide effective alternatives to hospital admissions

·           Ensure a skilled intermediate care workforce.


A Diversity Impact Assessment had been completed as part of the development phase of the work as set out in Appendix 3 to the report. This showed the strategy to be a positive proposal for change for Medway communities.


Details of the consultation undertaken on the draft Strategy was set out in paragraph 7 of the report. Details of consideration of the matter by the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee were set out in paragraph 8 of the report. In addition, the Strategy would also be considered by the Medway CCG Governing Body on 26 August 2015 and the Health and Wellbeing Board on 15 September 2015.


Decision number:



The Cabinet approved the Intermediate Care and Reablement Strategy and noted the associated work needed to produce successful outcomes in respect of the following way forward:


Develop more community based services to support people at home including the following actions:

a)    Make more use of and develop better reablement services

b)   Develop a responsive Integrated Community Equipment Service

c)    Develop Telecare services

d)   Work with the Voluntary Sector to maximise the contribution the Voluntary Sector can make to supporting more people at home and to self help and community resilience

e)    Develop a Home to Assess scheme to keep people away from hospital and get them back home sooner

f)     Place the care around the individual in the setting they choose which will usually be their home

g)   People tell us they want to be supported at home so we will shift the balance of care away from institutional settings towards supporting more people at home.


The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Children and Adult Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Services and the Chief Operating Officer of the Medway Clinical Commissioning Group, to make minor amendments to the Intermediate Care and Reablement Strategy following consideration by the Health and Wellbeing Board and the NHS Medway Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Board.




Commissioners from Health and Adult Social Care have worked with the key partners involved in the patient/user journey to analyse the current picture of service provision, review current and future needs, and learn from best practice elsewhere, in order to identify the changes necessary to improve the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of future service provision throughout Medway.


The Intermediate Care and Reablement Strategy is a joint health and social care strategy which details how Medway intends to commission and redesign Intermediate Care and Reablement Services to meet the needs of Medway residents. It outlines the principles that will guide development and implementation of the strategic direction and also sets out aims and objectives, and plans for delivery.

Supporting documents: